Show we take the following extract from an oli mutilated pamphlet and delivered either ly by the prophet or some of 0 the elders at a co conference held in in the tabernacle in in 1852 why not look upon Abra abrahams bams blessings I 1 as your own for the loid blessed him vita a promise or of seed as numerous as the blvd bind upon the seashore sea shore so aull A ill you be blessed or else you will not inherit the blessings of el abraham i how did abraham kaname hanagr to pet get a I 1 dation clation laid tor for this liuget mighty ki kingdom W lie to accomplish it all t through birou h one vil no sarah gave a certain woman to hill whee whose name was wag hagar and b by her ber a be serf was to be raised up unto him la Is this all al no we read of his wife keturah and else also of f a plurality of wives and concubines which lie he had from whom he raise raised duP TIP many sons here then was a fo foundation un datoff laid for the fulfilment fulfillment of the great and graml I 1 promise concerning the mu multiplicity ol of W W seed it would w have been rather a slow pro W cess it if abraham had been confined to 0 wife ilk like some of those narrow contracted nations of modern christianity I 1 think is is on only y about one ode fifth of it at population of the globe that believe ida nil one wife system the other four filthy firths bell in in the doctrine doctrin e of a of wives ti have had it handed down froni from time jalle ima morial monal and are riot not half so BO nari banow ow and in their minds as some of the natiel nali of europe and america who have done clr away with the promises and deprived ti selves of 0 the blessings of abraham W and jacob the nations do not know any thing about the blessings of abraham even those who have only one vite v ife cannot caw get rid of their covetous covetousness nessi and get atel IBE hearts large enough to share their pro 11 is i ia with a numerous family they are so perty erty and so narrow contracted in their nu ug that aaa 1 they take every possible care have their families large they do not to t ta nhat is in the future nor what bless allow they am depriving themselves vM of beof ja the traditions of their fathers they cause t know that a mants mans posterity in the A do no I 1 i worlds are to constitute his glory etehl t and dominion do lis aire ling then we i e perceive just from this one alere ciple c reasoning from the blessings of pr 11 the if would mould ham alone necessity we abra take of the blessings of abraham isaac isaa c partake jacob of doing their works and lie he and a the works of abraham and atIl ill not do 0 tl klatil will be of his alk in his bis footsteps footstep a deprived blessings again aaen let us look at Sa ralis peculiar position d abraham she understood in n regard to I 1 the 11 ole matter she knew that unless seed was calsee baisei up to abraham that he come short of his glory and she understood der stood the promise of the lord and longed abraham to ba have e seed and when she he for aw that she was old and fearing that site she sa should not have the privilege of raisina raising up seed iced sire bhe gave to abraham alagar would gentile entile c christendom rist endom do such things nowa now a 0 no they would consider it enough days to send a man to an endless hell bell of fire and brimstone why because tradition has instilled stIlled lo this in their minds minda as a dreadful aall thing it matters not to them how corrupt they are in female prostitution if they are not lawfully majied marlieb to only one wife but it would be considered an all awful thin thing by them to raise up ul a posterity from more than one nite this would be wrong indeed but to go into a brothel and there debauch them selves diw in w the lowest low est haunts of degradation all the days of their lives they consider only odly a liDS thin thing nay they can even such institutions in christian nations and it all passes off very well that is tradition and their posterity have been icen fostered and brought up in the foot steps te g of wickedness this is death as ll 11 tacks abroad a among conf the great and cities of diiro europe e and A america merica do you f 0 f find zd such haunts of prostitution d gradation ra a ton and misery here bere in in the cities 0 the ie mountains no 0 o were such things 11 our midst we should feel indignant to 0 see e such persons blotted out of the lie of existence these would bo be tin fee feeling I 1 orthis of this community look upon those who committed such in mi equity city in bt israel in ancient days every mail mai and nd woman who ullo committed adultery were wen put nit to death I 1 do not say that this ire are going to do this but I 1 will tell on what whal we believe we believe bitou it ought litto to tou be edone done Whore boredom doms adultery and foi ni cation hai cursed the die nations of the earth tor for man generations ra ions and are increasing fearfully f upon p the the c community but they ait must be en cit done one away from those m who no call them adies the keople people of god if they are not vw el wo oe be e unto to also for th r sath saith the loril lord god almighty Al might t in the bool book of mormon ioe unto them that inscor th be thrust clown own to tc ill there is no getting aay from it such things thing swill will not be ile allowed in this anity in Ity ap and such characters will find that tha the tune m fiill ill come that hat that god c fes e 9 are upon all the children or ol men an aho 0 dise erneth the things that are done n secret will bring their acts to light and the will be made an example before the people and shaine and infamy will cleave to their posterity after the the third ind and generation of them that repent not how is tins this to be prevented 9 for we have hav pt got a fallen nature to grapple with wilh it is t be pr prevented vented in the way the lord devised i ancient tri erit times time that is is by bv giving to his faith ful fal secants sei ants a plurality of wives bychich by which numerous and in faithful posterity c can an be raise up and taught in in the principles of righteous peas ness and truth and then alien after they ful auly y un der stand those principles that were w ere gh agnen en t the ancient patriarchs if they keep not th law of 0 god arid and commit adultery and gresa gres ions of this kind let their names b blotted out from under heaven that diat the ma may have no place among the pie people c 21 eat but again there is another reason wh tins this plurality should exist among the day saints I 1 have already given you on reason and that is that you might inight inherit i Us tie blessings and promises pio male made to abra I 1 harri ham isaac and jacob and recene receive a con of your posterity that they ma become as numerous as the sand upon th tea sea shore there is another reason and good one too what do you suppose it la Is I 1 will ill tell you and it will appear reason abl to t every man and woman of a do v we e not believe as the scriptures scripture ta vetold us that the wicked nations of th earth are doomed to destruction 9 yes w relieve believe it do we not dot also believe as th prophets have foretold concerning the la days a as welL wella jia albat what the new have said upon the subject that prevails ils upon the earth and gross pon the minds of the people and not this but that all hesh flesh has corrupted its wa apon pon the face of the earth that is that a nations lations speaking of them as nations hai corrupted themselves before the most hig corrupted cod y their wickedness whore doms idol ido li bics till tics abominations adulteries adul teries and a othni kinds of wickedness and we burthe more believe that according to the jewish jew prophets as well is as the alie book of Mori and modern revelations given in the boo if oj doctrine and aid covenants that the kwoi oi of the vengeance of 0 the almighty is is alread unsheathe vengeance and stretched out and will r mrs ore be put back into the scabbard scab bird until Ills lla upon lipon the head of the nations until the ard it destroyed destroy d except they repent I 1 can bear testimony that god has be th me why because I 1 have gone ai one just as aa I 1 have been told it is it t was my determination my will w ill and rr desire sire to fb do the thing I 1 w was as sent to do 5 a little to do with mobs it is true th undertook took to mob me a little and br gra baid aid when he heard of it in Wasl ungto he awas was glad of ft A voice ui in tho the stan and so was I 1 I 1 was too because I 1 felt m anen lien they were trying to mob me and seek my elifet life I 1 was better than they were if I 1 hadano had not been they would not have tried to destroy me from the earth they ran me into sr br potatoe hole to b be sure I 1 ran in in there and thought it was a first rate place to hide I 1 staid there a couple of hours and reflected reflected upon mobs upon the things of the kingdom and ballel called upon my rather in in Ife heaven avent by the authority of the holy priesthood hood and I 1 felt as aa though I 1 could whip all the mobs in missouri if it had been wisdom to do so and the best course for me to take I 1 would have gone out and whipped the m whole hole posse of the them A voice from the stand yes after they had all gone away many in i n kanesville Kanes ville wanted me to wrestle with ith them I 1 said I 1 dont wrestle with any except from salt lake but I 1 can tap you on the head as I 1 w a little boy if that will do you any good buthen but w hen I 1 see a man from salt lake full of 0 good works I 1 consider it an honor to wrestle with a man of that class but I 1 dont have anything to do with the low degenerated characters who mho do nothing else but wrestle and gamble but I 1 said if you dont believe I 1 lean can wrestle try me and I 1 will end you up a few times they thought I 1 was waa a very stout man a and n d it passed off gassed just as well as though I 1 la had d tile tried my dexterity upon them |