Show the salt lake expedition mr air chirles charles jenkins who accompany ed aed the wagon expedition which started from this city in in september last for salt lake city arrived in in town from that country on saturday evening evening he was accompanied by john evans james white and allen alien clifford from mr air jenkins we learn some particulars tic ulars in regard to the expedition nothing of moment seems to have occurred until the train started from mur phys ghys toward the summit of the sierra nevada after leavin leaving the first named place the road fradua gradually aly became bad and though i it t is is susceptible of being made by tar far the he best cross crossing irig of the mountains and w was as originally the best natural crOSSi crossing Dg it is is far from being equal to the present placerville erville route our informant states that it would be difficult to siy say where any expense had been incurred upon this route except perhaps in in carson kanyon the trees were w ere so close together at some portions of the road that it was wa very difficult to get along especially at the side hills bills here the wagons slid the real and principal difficulty seems to haze have been the great size size of the wagons this being the first attempt that was ever made to cross the sierra nevadas with the great heavy stockton wa wagons go ns carrying pounds each egons afons carrying 3 pounds each are quite a different affair and this eppedi tio tion was therefore of the nature of an entirely new experiment the drivers were warned all along the route that it was vias quite impossible to accomplish what they had undertaken and much astonishment was expressed at their per misting in attempting it the train how ever reached carson valley in in thirty days there w was as not a man in the train but would have sunk his whole team rather than hive have turned about much of the road from murphys Murp hys to the valley was new and owing to the quantity of roots and trees and the little travel it was not packed and the wheels in in places sank ank to the hubs after stopping at genoa a few days and recruiting the animals the train started on again the mules were found too to 0 large tor for this species of traveling and smaller ones would have haie answered the purpose better the big mules had been in in the habit of being well fed on gram grain and when it came to grass it required too long a time to fi fill 1 I them up with enough food to stand by them this w would not have been the rase ease with smaller animals animal a and nd the tram train was compelled t longer in consequence at the resting places after following along the river river humboldt over a soil partially sandy and partially clay for a distance of some four hundred miles they came to the goose creek mountains which they crossed without much difficulty from the summit of these mountains they obtained their first view view of the great grea t S salt all lake there was no snow on the mountains nor did they meet with w i h any until within se seventy enty miles of the city the city cit h is some three or four hundred miles from the goose creek mountains there is is a creek called the malad which is is within about ten miles from the first settlement As it was known that the teams could not be got across the creek a bri bridge ge was built for the purpose over which they passed the name of the settlement is is fort call at tius titis place they had the first application for trade an elderly mormon lady proposing osing to purchase three eggs worth proposing of ried dried apples ples s the expedition arrived in in the city about the first of december and the goods earned by them sold at enormous enor pr prices i ces after the wagons were unloaded a portion of the mules males were turned out upon some government lands and were left in charge of mr air hunter who will return with them and the wagons in the spring mr air jenkins started for stockton on the first of january by the southern route coming by the way of santa clara muddy creek the mojave and fort tejon mr clifford had three mules stolen by the indians at muddy creek and mr air greer who was in his company at that place three mules and a horse each mule was valued at san joaqun republican |