Show S IAMS jlii ORVEY y al 42 11 1 alv 1 IV will al 4 ih courts of the tt T especially 11 1 lu the IT S DI il L C urta ra and 4 so supreme cobit lie will give t attention to all I 1 en tae nua IC KWett wet aid tide of gait east timple temple it at opposite ofos tte miller ra rawl 1 coa store G S I 1 city nov NOT 6 IMS lt l t LAW aley al ALEXANDER LEXANDER WILSON wilbon U S attorney ey for territory will attend promptly to pra 1 I 1 bl to him onice alth dr dorocy superintendent of indian affair fair 6 S L city 17 tf L A CARR booksellers ERS stationery stationers STATION ERS AND BLANK BOOK 1111 manufacturers ANIT AC no ko 49 main street ST LOUIS LOUIE S MO 10 KEEP constantly on hand band all ahe the sp p lulng b wk gr nimar gg philosophies reading books diction ac now la in ue which they offar at the LO LOWEST lv RICES their stock block ot of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC stationery BLANK BOOKS PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER 11 aen selected with the greatest grea leet care and la Is equal he aft having an EXTENSIVE BINDERY attached Attach td to their establishment they are pi pared to manufacture manur all kinds of blank books to ordera order and at 11 11 artest notice H 4 tt tf MILLER RUSSELL co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL eris IN FOREIGN IND DOMESTIC GROCERIES RATS and ND CAPS WINES LIQUORS CIGARS ac THEIR HEIR stock consists in in part of the following articles arti clea viz tea coffee chewing Chevi ing tobacco sugar spice smoking tobacco powder shot playing cards pepper mace cinnamon nutmegs Nut megs caps ie ac pale cognac brandy monongahela whisky dark do do bourbon do new york do rectified do girl GIF port wine Y G GROCERIES R 0 CE R IE S trench french mustard mixed pickles durham do assorted do assorted jams do gherkins do jellies piccalilli Pic colilli lilli do syrups pickled unions onions do cordials cordiali Cor dials tomato catsup brand brandy peaches walnut ca catsup dy do 0 cherries mushroom catsup do pears cayenne P pepper Ass sorted west India cainne Cellery lery S seed ee aper preserves spanish olives rhubarb pie fruit pepper sauce peach do assorted sauce apple do do nat preserves preserve flu blumb b do capers Ca pottes raspberry do natural Presed Pines gooseberry do roast turkey blackberry brandy roast chicken raspberry brandy string beans fresh lobster green peas pickled do do corn fresh clams assorted herbs mince meat do sweetmeats Sweet meats sausage meat natural preserved fresh cauliflower peaches pickled do nata preserve ed strawn worcestershire sauce berries stoughton bitters natural preserved fresh salmon damsons adamsons Dam sons fresh tomatoes 1 mushrooms lush rooms french pickles hos hosteller t etter litters bitters Tar carrigon rigon vinegar bakers do fields oysters le dwards do cove do royal windsor do pine apple cheese maraschino olive oil curacao Cu assorted candies Absy nth raisins scotch ale almonds london porter english walnuts Sch eidam schnapps brazil nuts golden grape cognac F digs old virginia Peach Dates brandy prunes mountain dew whis pecans ky crackers family supplies liea cra knells morning call E D cheese indian queen madella Ma derla also a large and vv til ell selected stock ot of clothing hats and caps gents boots Shoes Hardware ladies shoes notions woolen gloves hosiery do mitts buck oves do do mitts stationery ac do Gaunt Gauntlet letts tg all of which they oter offer upon the lowest for cash or country prod produce C 8 t L city dee it if byg att tf A CARD GS L city no 4 th ad g a would most ind hol 1 citizens of utah that they are ro still dolla lula 1 dial 0 their old and nd well known stand in great salt sm 4 4 where the most desirable goods adapted to ti I 1 h a at the people may always alway be found I 1 they IT i established house bouse at t camp floyd aig b ata lyle or of goods foods a as kept nere here may Yb be had hd it at the IB tor orin rates irmay it amsy be b an object fort for those boe f fimm filim ing tooth south to know abathe that procure tir at t camp floyd at tile the lame price as a they Us u till at t in this city thankful tor for former patronage extended by be ale pie 0 of lou t this b 1 a territory they would respectful continuance nt a a of the same ame luyi t Q in the course of 0 ten days we shall tie be able to a I 1 our ariens friens with certainty certainly concerning conc erting car train no 1 led 1 tf L ajr 0 ca ag t U S mail line arom pi on st joseph joseppi to great nall 14 my N OTICE is is hereby given that passe pa jl 1 ger will not at be rl loly ua on anK ci this till mall route until ibern I bern te and d tl at ni and conductors cond actors on the route are hy ZT 4 g rom from taking p DA sen eera on any con lallona abate bi 1 J U M HOCK IDA w r co i feb by P K dow D I 1 MOUT MOUNT VE VERON hotel AT I 1 WIP UNIT fa FLOYD 0 YD territory z I 1 charla E S ta R II Loit I 1 I 1 T TRAVELERS and boarders can cante always be with ill flu t the and nest neat lind and comfortable a alpart lp AL me 0 I 1 S farm banners e Is will be paid the highest cat in or all ot cona country try produce ll 11 I tl tf NEW amr GOODS rust JUST received a full stock of saple GOODS selected espres ly for fi r this market I 1 tf I 1 it T 1 10 i STRAYED or stolen from point of ka ave weib mountain L li ali ha R rancap h 0 14 b ro ruan ho giors II ors arse branded J JH K on the dear lir tuo hove reward ta will BIU bo be gl given I 1 for 1 la learn lo 10 tf RADFORD CAB T co FOR SALE SAIK L LAGER AGER beer and ate ale hi ui lots to bult purchasers purchaser manufactured by mogo iii BOTI C RADFORD CABOT CO 10 tf FOR 9 tle SALE ONE thousand head of SHEEP in inloe ia to suit purchasers ers I 1 1111 take in exchange ex chang 1 th icum wheat te and br barley ly CHARLES moro MOCO 10 I 1 0 tt tf lot hot spring brawl D W BAYLIES SOTS SON W ITCH R MARKS I 1 t 1 WOULD respectfully inform inform the chett 3 ft ams of this citi and an I 1 calop 0 imp floyd 1 loy 1 TNT tint till lh h ej us watch material anu and will promptly repair an say mato baicou or other the jewelery committed to their carp care S t b b ns at t th the S store t r of f L i i g t K 1 k 1 I tco C it i h hilr el r A adient g n t a at t ca camp n ip F lu yd s and tid v 21 III p prom ro n i pil v t lumert r n m T and 1 11 all 11 hohes watches pl placid d in in kl k a hd handa 1 im it a c for carriage carri aie b G atel S L city january jannary 3rd ard isra 10 it 1 MAURICE AURICE fal Y IVD counsellor AT L LAW A W great salt ake CUT utah 1 lr fl 8 ill U L R ATTORNEY AND A ND COU IN S 1110 at loftlee council hoube st at miller i anili row fore 2 11 RADFORD CABOT CO WIT ESILE AND AM RETAIL IN GROCERIES DRY GOODS GOODS ETC at the old stand of mr hoard howard G gt great t salt city UJ V I 1 WAGONS WAti OaiS A FEW light kanyon wagons w afons for salt sail by lt l I t tf Z GERRISH EMPIRE SALOON isA LOOX TH phe E BAR is is now nov furnished i I 1 rg and choice lot f ac p 1 chasco with t gr arral at care and to which tile the all I 1 ill haae deta shunil called at 2 tf M WANTED A A FEW g good 0 0 d mules N 1 ule s i in n ex exchange chane lot im ml good ark working i g C cattle t tl A apply P 1 y t to 2 t GILBERT LIQUORS I 1 BEING blei eina desirous of closing out our ei sive mork of we will blot bint st cauls W ahl b alky ky at 1 three dollars as il filly fifty cants per gallon aih 0 1 h 1 11 qu 1 irl rr port n mil 1 L LEB ER RUSSEL BUSS liL i oleo CO io 6 tf SALT LAWE J VIES MMES TO prices ot of board board an and lo 10 per week board kith budging Lud ging beardi per day ia siw IT Break tBt and d tg I 1 1 IW AI A I hl h per night lay ila anil 4 grain i to be mide made 1 in lid adrai ancl IS 15 3 am COW STRAYED STR lydd ON rs the october last a small oung J light ughtred red COW unite hite lac face and a thick IT rop arm in b hir hors borrs borne borna email all we wan gl alln lull 11 think sh she aaa wandla atwood on I 1 ahe b hr hon 11 illos not cort certain atri please bring her to curt 1 Bol lii warily rd G S L city cay opposite P th the 3 babool ii will dd 14 WORK CATTLE CA inn YOKE of work cattle in in aa working condition to for sale by I 1 tt G gil LB ant F 1 it BlI liLER RUSSEL R CO wholesale whole le and 0 d retail dealers in w FOREIGN DOMESTIC DO M EST C GROCI hoots boots slices hats COOT WINES WIES LIQUORS AM all tle an 1 generally are now 11 9 most ron romi lete a sack nc ol of goods gooda in their line alt tl h belot been brought 1 to this which they oleif A w low suri for nr ath or C auntry OB au |