Show aristocracy IT IN it HAGS there is is probably an ail aristocracy in every eiery rank of I 1 life ife if we aou would id only inov known it but bu t say sas the he boston courier we hardly I 1 looked 0 oke for anything an thing of this sort where never neer th theles eless we ac accidentally ci dentally discovered it this morning coming coining along through the street called beacon just in front of one of its sedate residences we came upon a small mall crowd of irish girls clad in in those thoe tho e ludicrous bonnets and shawls they alvs always s ivear w ear AA inch I 1 poor creatures I 1 they are only too glad to wear ivear each I 1 carr carried ried the unwholesome looking basket basked becu peculiar I 1 aar to their callin calling the collection of food and they were evidently eu dently just commencing their work of the day three or four of the older ones olies were taunting another who seemed not of their guild a poor lean little thin thing an ail old woman in in dress dres a child in in fea feature t ure me ife dont go leggin for cole vitt kittles les said the most brassy of the crew with a strong woman womanlike like accent on oil the we ue and the beg began sai iid d t too oo 00 with a actually a toss of the head 1 the singularity of the ei expression compelled us to inquire a little bashfully bashfull bah full iti it is true into its meaning air we e found found that this small spokeswoman spokes w woman oman m in common with w ith her immediate companions I 1 lad had the right of forage in in certain back yards ard a right acquired by proscription rather than by a positive charter and by virtue girtue of this conceded privilege leze whenever they presented themselves within the sight of their clients their customers tien then the ladys accumulation of refuse I 1 food was at once delivered and received as a tribute while the wretched little object of their scorn wanting c the self confidence so necessary to advancement adi mall all walks of life would slide glide her poor orm through the gate and linger bash ully fully on the kitchen steps till potato elings or a shrill command to leave avas n as thrust at her me was compelled to 0 beg for cold victuals i it was a dread ul parody on the pride which may find i a more decorous but not less emphatic expression in in some di dwelling velling whose win wm dows bows overlooked ov er looked the sordid sordid squabble |