Show MORE INDIANS KILLED on the january I 1 acut winslett of the volunteers surprised an indian camp in in the ahe redwoods in humboldt county killed several caught one prisoner and routed them completely from all their positions on the the tired fired on his men and were immediately run off A wounded mounded indian was found who was being earned carried on a litter this wounded indian was not disturbed for they deemed it good policy to leave him as they always pack back their wounded with them and necessarily roce move slowly W s party burnt thousands of pounds of provisions provi ions which they found scattered through the woods the volunteers volun lun iw have e done good service sen ice in in tho the north nonh arid and it is a great pity that gov weller did not call out volunteers olun to c chastise the Alo moenes javes it would be i more summary way of punishing them I 1 than han waiting for the slow movements of he heavy y regiments of regulars rp guhr |