Show of cs visco cred A number of this organized band wis was suspected suspect el some way a by mr S S stanton c chief hie f wagon master and one of them I 1 1 as arrested on suspicion after being kept in secret confinement for three days the scoundrel came to a solemn conclusion to confess or r to ta turn statis states ev evidence idenie against the remainder of the party I 1 after this confession a party or detachment commanded by livingston living ston 0 of and 2nd dragoons left cal camp p floi flod do by order or of col C J smith commander command er camp hod floyd to proceed north as fr far as ogden city to assist the deputy mailian Ma Ala ihal appointed I 1 to arrest the thieves the party proceeded edea according to order and arrived armed at ogden city making no discoveries co erles veries on the route about 7 on the evening of arav arrival al a party X n ith a corporal and his guard ac accompanied by the D deputy marshal proceeded to kin King tons I 1 rort fort a distance of six miles a supposed harbor but on their arrival found the easy gentlemen of leisure had important business in in another part of the country on their return they ascertained that two of the band followed fol lomed a day behind them and on the evening after their arrival stole two wo mules and a horsey horse and came mackto back to the city the same night the deputy marshal followed allowed oll owed immediately after them and on his arrival in in the city ascertained that some of the he party were there about 10 the same night a small party surprised a boarding house in the sixth ward and after exchanging a few shots with them succeeded in a rr esting tD 1 two of the party they theyeron The yero were placed under ga guard rd and on sunday escorted to camp floyd fiod |