Show t ta A rumor has been quite prevalent a 1 collision was threatened between the troops stationer at provo by order of judge cradle 1 oliangh during ng ilia his court and the citizens and dad taken place this thia N w e are assured is ancor icet f ct a few fist fisticuffs cuffs may have haie taken place the result of whiskey but me apprehend aliat the citizens of provo prove although they are arc very cry indignant at the presence odthe of the soldiery soldiers would scarcely risk nl an engagement with then I 1 I 1 A few da 8 sirce since they petitioned governor cumming upon the subject and on last sunday lw went ent down donin the court aill probably babl Y adjourn today to day daj nothing i will ill be done perhaps the two indians mose and looking glass glasa be convicted but the murderers will stalk abi oad with the damned cclain upon their hands handa which like the scarlet spot upon the hand of lady macbeth it appears cannot be wiped out by any judicial authority in this territory the fact is and it can be stated in a few words that the church hierarchy that controls this people the jurisdiction of the V U S courts and yet tle cal authority that forms the laws of this territory have had the audacity to apply for admission as a state in the union and ahat m a union it would bet bel like lae a dirty and degenerate star ui in the constellation of states oh no BO legislators utah must mend her manners before she gets into such genteel company compa nj she is is not good lookin looking and cant come in the truth is is they really do not desire it tit but shallow pretences pretenses and deceit is 13 so BO characteristic of mormon authority authony aut hont that they male make an overture n arture m which aich is really a sham in another column a ill be found the charge of judge cradlebaugh to the grand jury at brov 0 which we take from the deseret news h ew s and if it is is reported correctly it is the most scorching document perhaps that ever em enacted elated from the bench one that calls up the ghosts of murdered men women n omen and children it itis is in vain however to appeal to the deadened ear of mormonism justice ustice which Is said to be blind got lost on the plains and never entered this i valley alley we admire judge cradlebaugh for ins his fearless exposition to tace lNe crand jury the church organ doriot dont like it nor do the mormons cormons like it for it calls up some incidents of blood which they would like lae to bide forever the last california mail arrived arria ed more than twelve hours inside of schedule timp time this however is no cammon thing for them the ile mail was waa detained by the indians south who interrupted them in their progress shooting arrows arrow s at them stealing stock ac otherwise they crotle have arrived armed much boone this company has failed to come to tune time but once una this winter although athas it has been the hardest one ever experienced either in the rocky or the sierra nevada mountains they certo certainly deserve great credit the eastern mau mail has not cot arrived up to date thursday and there are now two of them due whether the tha or some other indians have corralled them is a question here our own opinion is is that the platte and other streams are breaking up and that the mail parties have been unable to cross the streams in all probability the next news we have froni from the states will be by way of the pacific seaboard there will be a large amo amount of goods thrown into this market this spring r I 1 ng the shelves of the merchants arese prese present a beggarly account of emptiness all having sold out gilbert gerrish and radford Ead ford cabot co have taken time by the forelock and their trains of merchandise merchandize dize from california will be here in a few days while upon this subject we would remind our friends in st louis that they had better look out or san francisco will steal a march upon them or at least come in for a full share of the tha trade of this valley which st louis jias has so long hold held we iva only received three iree papers pap era by the last california cal forma fornia mail and considering the detention odilie listern L mail itla it is rather 0 presie sive upon a country press IP situated in the rocky mountains and that too when the ia sick and liaa had no assistance we jve present in in another column an interest ipg litter fromA froia mr lr S L hubbell who TV ho rece itly left for the states it will be ba seen that they experienced great hardships we understand that a party of herdsmen herd and a rid killed hilled a big bl grizzley in in malad valley aley jl ey 1 few da daya a dicce ce r M |