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Show Drawn At Night, Tho archlect and his friend tho builder were driving back to tho fur-nier'a fur-nier'a oOJce. They had been out to tbo edge of tho city to look at some work in which they woro engaged. As they drove by a certain bouse the builder looked up at It. proudly, saying: "Tnero Is a house that 1 luillt myself, I not only built it. but I drow all tho plans. Every bit of work In It Is mine." The architect looked at the house and smiled In o provoking way. The builder noilcod the smllo and looked al tbo housn In a new light. "How bard 1 worked on that!" ho said. 'In tho daytime I bad to do something else, but evory night I would sit up late drawing on thoso plans I drow ou 'em ovcry night, for n month." The architect looked at the hnnso again and smiled once more, and tho builder 6nw htm. Again ho turned his oyes toward tno product of Ills brain, twisted hU nock to squint at It after tho carrlago had passed It. Thon he looked at the architect archi-tect with humility. "It looks as If thoso plans were drawn at night, doesn't It?" ho said, aud tnero was pathos In his volco. Worcester Gazette.' |