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Show !1VITII US AGAIN. j lHA3 DECIDED TO CA8T HI8 LOT IN PROVO. 1 1 1 Bam Schwab, Formerly (if Trnvo But Lately of Baker City, Oregon, Hns Opened Up Business In tlio Knight Building: on J Street. The wrllor. togcthor with many other oth-er old Provo friends, is pleased to seo igftln on our streets the face of Rental Sm Schwab, During u long business experience In Provo Mr. Schwab established estab-lished an orvlablo reputation as a itralghlforward, onergotlo and enterprising enter-prising business man and during his absence while ho has been In business A Baker City, Oregon, he has not been I forgotten by his friends hero, The nuws that he was coming back to Provo to reside and to re-enter business busi-ness whs received with pleaBuro by his old social and business friends and his numerous put rons. Wo nro pleased to announce tbat ho Is back to stay. Mr. Scbawb hits been cost for a few weeks just returning a few days ago. We were ploased to learn that ho was Installed In his now location in tho Knight building north of tho Provo itore on J street, and The Demociut man called upon him yesterday to soe whethor ho remembered his old friends. Notwithstanding tho busy air pervading per-vading tho now establishment occa-ilonod occa-ilonod by the opening and arrnuglng of goods wo were cordially greoted by Mr. Schwab and by bis able asslstaut and brother, Ben. Tho now store .already presents a seat and attractive appearance. One very attractive flxturo Is u beautiful new novelty case which looks like 18-carat gold as near as tho writer could analyze It. "Schwab, tho clothier," is famous alt over central and southern Utali for bis knowledge of tho clothing and furnishing fur-nishing bnsloo.'s and when we asked .him questions about his stock be at once became enthusiastic. Ho hns selected some of tho most; renowned re-nowned fabrics made up under his own supervision by tho famous Kiippeuhel-mer Kiippeuhel-mer of Chicago and as different In the get-up of tho garment, compared with goods handled in other sinns, as a diamond dia-mond In tho rough Is compared to the polished 6tono. Tlioro is here to bo found a full line of men's and boy's suits, hats and shoes to fit all mankind. All goods will bo marked in plain figures and an absolutely abso-lutely onb-prlco system will bo established estab-lished so that it will not bo necessary to whisper In tho customer's ear to keep the Ugure from the public, and a strong feature will bo "Money back if you tiro not satisfied with tho purchase." Mr. Schwab informed us that owing to the fact tbat tho location of his establishment es-tablishment Is a llttlo "out of line," bo will mako It an Inducement to,como ,th:,t way and expects to make the east ajdn of J street tho avenue of travol. The Dkuocbat man saw a clock In tho store, which was peculiar in that it was not running. On questioning Mr. Schwab, ho responded with a smile that It was the motto of tho house "no Jtlek." Mr. Schwab stated that it would be '"uough said," when ho guaranteed tho Barae class of goods bo bandied when in business in I'rovo before. Watch our columns for advertisements advertise-ments tn tho futuro whioh will fully enlighten the pcoplo as to tho mills ropreseutod by this house, how gar-( gar-( ments aro protected ns to vital points 7 fa both goods and workmanship, which I will bo a new fcaturo to both merchants mer-chants and consumers, And always remember "Schwab, the Clothlor." |