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Show Castilla. Tho bost summer hotel in tho State. Rales 98 to $12 per week, KAI8EH & MOSK ClIIUSTKNSEN, Proprietors. The-Commercial LODGINGS. Beds ...26, 60 ftud 76c. Corner Center bd I Stf , Mrs. E. A. Van Norsdall, Prop. 8 ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Rates $2 per day (JPOare from all trains paw tbo door. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult Coanty Clerk or Respective Signer fir Fnrtlicr Information. In tho District Court of tho Fourth Judicial County, In tho Probate Dlt Islon. In tho matter of tho estate of Thomas Collin, Col-lin, deceated. .iJJSfi'Ii.'S Cre1itor.-Crcdltors will present tlalrat with vouchors to tho undersigned at wT. Ci,yA.H.,nJ CounT. 3ato of Utah, on. or before the Suth day of Noember, 1899. TUOMAS llEE8LCr, Administrator. m. M. Warnor, attorney for administrator, Dated July 13, IS99 IFIrst publication July 15, 1899.1 ft BUSINESS GUIDE, Directory for those wishing tho address ad-dress of any of tho following business men of Provo. O. F. Decker & Co., " Fruit nnd Produce J. Beck, Watches and Jewelry. J. A. Van Nor8da.ll, Watch Repairing. 8. Richards Plumbing and Jobbing, Taylor Bros. Co. , Furniture, Music, Stoves, Crockery. George JR. Sloney, Notary Public; with Havercarap & Co. C. A. Pedcrsen, Grocorlcs nnd Provisions. Taylor & Poullon, Groceries, Crockery, Tinware. W. H. Freshwater, Hardware and Sporting Goods. li. C. Watkins, Architect, Provo City. A. U. Bolt, Manufacturer Cigars, Provo. H. Gr. Blumenthal & Co. FOR Heating and Ventilation of Buildings by Hot Water, Steam and Hot Air Furnaces, Etc., SANITARY PLUMBING Manufacturers Architectural Sheot Metal Cornices, Motallc Skylights, Fin-lals, Fin-lals, Cresting, Coping,' 1'innlng, Guttering, Gutter-ing, Smokestacks. THE ADVERTISER. I am an ndvertiser trroat! In letters bold and big- and round Tin praises of my wares I sound-Prosperity sound-Prosperity is my estate. The people como The pcoplo eo In ono continuous, Surrjiutr flow Thoy buy my iroods and como apaln And I'm tho happiest of men ; And this the reason I relate I am an advortlser great! There Is a shop across, tho way Where ne'er Is heard it human tread Whero trado a paralyzed and dead With no'or a customer a day. The pcop.o come The people tro But novor, there They do not know There's such a shopb ncath tho skies Because ho docs not advertise; While I with pleasure contemplate That l'jn an advortlser great! Tho Secret of my foi'tnn'o lies In opo Kinall fact, which, I 'may state, Too many tradesmen learn too lato If I have' (rood, I advertise! Tlit-ii penplbcomb And people iro In constant streams, For people know That ho who. has croud wares to soil Wllf surely advertise them well; And proudly 1 relterato I am an advertiser irroat ! -EUGENE FIELD.' THe Cquhty Democrat Invlte3 correspondence about advertising rates. Compliments of AVOID HEAT AND 8AVE COAL BY BUYING BREAD, CAKES, PIES, OF THE PROVO CITY BAKERY, Our ICE CREAM is Superb, and we handle only the Purest Candles. 110 Center st 3 doors east Tavlnrllrns 1ST NATIONAL BANK OF PROVO. General Banking Business Transacted. DIRECTOR8! W. R. Piko President Ueed Smoot Vice-President J. C. Gruli a in, C. E. Loose, J. It. Twelves. J. W. Uean, E. It. Eldtedgo. H. S. Martin, Cashier. Snfety deposit boxes for rent from $3 per annum nnd upwards. PROVO COMMERCIAL and Savings Bank. PROVO CITY, UTAH. Capital, $75,000. Surplus $10 000. DIRECTORS: Heed Smoot , President. C. h Loose Vleh-I'rosldont. John Jones, Jami'H A Bean, RoKor Farrnr, L. S. Hills, John R. Twelves. J08. T. FArtRER, CASHIER, General hanking huslnoss transacted. Safe deposit boxes for rent. (Double Thumb.) The proper GLOVE for LUMBERMEN, WOOD CHOPPERS, THRESHERS, and all Heavy Work. Ask your dealer for tho GREAT WBSTERNGUOVE. JAS. F. DUNN, Western Acnt, Provo, Utah. CURRENT TIME TABLE. In effect Juno 1st, 1809. leavk ruovo rou kast and south. No. 2 For Grand. Junction and points East 0:33 a m No. 4 For Grand Junction and points E-iat 0:15 p tn No. 0 For Spnngvlllo, Thistle This-tle Sanpete and Richllold 9:23 p m No. 8 For Sprlngvlllo, Span- Fork Paysonand .Eureka 0:20 p ra , LEAVE PltOVO rOU VfKST. No. I For Salt Lako City, ORdon and the West... 8:20 a tn No. 3 For Salt Lako City, 0ilcn and the west... 7:47 p m No 6 For Am. Fork, Lohl. and Suit, Lake City ... 4:10 pm No. 7 For Am. Fork, Lohl and Salt Lako City...., 8:27 am ARBIVB PltOVO KKOM EAST AND SOUTH No 1 From Denvor, Grand Juuc. and points East 8:20 a m No, 8 From Donvdr, Grand Junet'n and points east 7:47 p m No. 5 Prun Sprlngvlllo, This- tlo Sanpete, Rlchfleld 4:10 p m No. 7 From SnrlnRv'le. Spanish Span-ish F'k, Payson, Eureka 8:27 a m AltniVE AT PKOt O FIIOM. WEST. No. 2 From California. Off- ,don and Salt Lake City 0:83 a m No. 4 From California, Oir- den and Silt Lake City 0.15 p m No, 01 From 8alt Lake City, Lohl and American F'k 0:23 a m No. 8 From Salt Lake Cltr, Lohl and American F'k 0:20 p ra Tho only lino to Ogdon and Dedver without cbango. Free rooting cbalr curs on throuith tralus. TuroUKh leeplne cars to Denver, Kansas City, Chloago. Portland and San Francisco. El"gant oquippmont, safety, wpoed aud comfort. Dining cars on all through trains. D. C. Dodoe, General Munagor, 8. 11, BabcoCk, TraOloManagor, Geo. V, IIeintz, Acting Gea'l Pass1. Agt. F. FocT8t Ticket AiW PreT9 '-'. ,i, ' " ' " --'il i-vijja: ' WB'lffHH Baryesting Season Here. I Farmera will look for the Slx-2oller Force Fctd CIIAMPI02C' BINDER to. do their cutting. I Parties contemplating buying n RINDES Wlll 'do well to life- Tcstlgate tho merits of THE. KING of all BINDERS jM The Champion. M Is exhibited dully from 7 a.m. to 8 p-m. at EGGERTSEN'S. WM. M. ROY LANCE, 1 SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. H PIONEEB FRUIT AND PRODUCE MERCHANT I OF UTAH COUNTY Pays Cash j AGENTS OR., I lor choice Studobaiter I Fruits Grain, Wagons Etc,, mBfe Alfalfa Seed, 0 7 7 W Potatoes' ' j Bicycles. Honey, Etc. i Carloau Lots A SPECIALTY, j CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. I ' 5 NEWLY FITTED UP AND FIHST-OtA; M Best Accommodations for Traveling Men. JH Give me a call when you want a first-class rig. fl ffi Telephone No. 27. W. T. HAWKEY, Prop'r. rB The Central Meat Market. 1 CHARLES L. GRIER, Prop'r. . jX j Center Street, Provo. 1M a( 4 doors Eaat Taylor Brti. Co. IM TTUESH AND CUEED MEATS. OUR OWN MAKE M LARD. CASH PAID FOR TAT STOCK. oj GIVE ME A TRIAL; I WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. I Provo Roller Mills. 1 JESSE KNIGHT & SONS, Prop'rs. Jfl "TTST" "ST TT) delivered to any part of tho city froe at tba 1fl Jj I vV VJ JLSL followlnft prices: Utah's Best (nUrh PaWnt) ivM per lOOm, $1.80; Wholo Whoat, por lOOIb, $1.00; AIM Bakers' No. 1, por 100, $1.60; Graham, por 1001b, 81.00, Mill opp. R. R. depot. P. O. Dox 102. Tolophono No. 31. j& JOS. T. McEWAN, - - - - Manager 9 Good Work at Chicago. . ' ' List year 7,500,000 pnsiongors wero bandied at tho Union lH fassopger Station In Chicago without an accident, and $50,. ' ., 000,000 yvorih of baggugo without tbo loss of a single piece. ... This is the third successive year ln which no claim has boon made for lost baggage. The tJnlon Passongor Station Is tbo station juto which all jflH Burlington trains run. Llko pretty noaily ovorytlilbg with 9flE which tho Burlington is assoolatod, It "holds tho record," lH Two trains a day for Omaha, Chicago, Kttasaa City. and St. Louis. Thoy leave Denver at 1.40 p. rxi. sod ' ft if j Ticket OfTlce, ..... 2148. W. Temple St. JM R. JT.'NESLNi Travi Pass, and iFrolgbt-Agtini'. ' fl W. F. MoMILLAN, General Aeatj ShIi1 Lake City. S |