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Show Jlartlaco Licenses. Marrlago licenses have boon Issued by the county clork as follows: August 5 Homy C. Tunner, aged 20, and Eliza Allspach, aged 18, both of Pay sou Atilono Peterson, aged 21 of Pleasant Pleas-ant View, and Flora K. Fowlko, aged 25 of Liudnn. August 8-John Williams, aged 84, and Fanny Robinson, aged 23, both of Amer.cun Fork. August 0 Antono Peterson, agod 22, and Millie Wilde, aged 20, both of Pleasant View, Geo, F, Kinder, aged 29, and Nettle Gregg, aged SO, both uf Payson, Among tho report of marriage licenses li-censes Issued In Salt Lake last week we noto that of Chas. W, Bonnett aged 21, of Alpine, Utah county, aud Annie Murchlc, Aged 18, of Salt Lake City. |