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Show Bkotiiek White of thu Bauver County Coun-ty Blade refers to the "hamperings of partisanship.'1 Wo don't bellevo for u newspaper of pure political principles theru Is any such thing as "hamper-tugs." "hamper-tugs." Wbllo wo do not bellevo lu "party slaves," we still behove that all ncrtessury reforms must come through sumo great and Influential political party, Wo therefore espouse the political polit-ical party whose principles of government govern-ment most nearly colncldo with ourt". Wo also, notwithstanding Brother While's urguments (?) believe that u nou-puriisan nuwspiiper or a uou-puril-san politician are both nouenltlo?. They cun wield no lulluenco with thinking people, because their principles princi-ples aro pi actlcally nil and their sup. port must dupend ou pel souul favoritism, |