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Show Br aes ? F" for the last week woro three tlnina K" Hi large an fdr the cprrosporidlng week of 1807 or 'b98, in' fact tho H, larR&at bIdco opening buBlnoss In H- Provo. HsH' 1 j Reason HKy J will tell you( bat extra' bargains H&,jf wmti have been offarc-d, lq acpora pls thlB, HR Our salo Is still in full blast, HV! anil ifyon visit us you 'can say money, I MCoard $vm. IMPORTANT! If you cannot read this print readily 12 to H Inches from your eyes, your sight Is falling you and your eyes need attention. Call In and I wilt exsmtne your eyes tree, nnd l( you with fit you out with glasses. I havo had 20 years' ex- pcrlcncoand guarantee all glattcstold by me. If you cannot come to my placo of business, t will call on you at your home aud Ut our oyes. Uesiectfully, E. uorr. SUMMONS. In tho District Court ot iho Fourth Judicial District, of the State ot Utah, sitting la and for Utah County. Margaret J. Johnson, plaintiff, 1 VS. I r Charles D. Johnson, f .summons, defendant. J Tho State of Utah to tho said defendant: You are hcrohy auunnonod to appear wltbtn j twenty days tutor tbo service of this summons upon you, tf served within the county In which this uctlon Is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service, and defond the aboro entitled en-titled uctlon; und In cuso of your failure so to do, judgment will bo rendered against ynu according ac-cording to the demand of the complaint, William imsiK, At'orny for Plaintiff. P. O. address: Spanish Fork City, County of Utah, Stato of Utah. First publication August 0. 1899,1 Creat fes Clearance Sale now on at UTAH MILLINER! k DRY GOODS HOUSE, . ANNIE JONES ATKIN, Prop'r. CLOSING OUT PRICES " u m ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii n n n ii ii ii H n n ii a H H H I, H ii H n I, u M ) n M n ,, M ,,,, M tl n it h it h m FbT LADIES WAISTS. Regular 65c, $1.00 and $1.50 Waists go at 39, 69 and 99c. LADIES' SKIRTS. J White Duck and Pique Skirts, regular prioe $2.75, your choice for $1,50. White Duck Skirts, price $LOO, go at 65c. ' it ....... u ' I ' '- ' ' " ' I Your choice oijLhe balance of '. "The above are all new goods our Ladies' Crash Suits less and prices are all made low than. COST. to CLOSE OUT, Hl2MmSE; R. A, BARNEY- 3 |