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Show THE COUNTY COURT. REGULAR SESSION OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. DUch for Benjamin and Lako Shore-Report Shore-Report or County Finances New Deputy Treasurer. The regular session of tho county commlslnners convened Moudny with all members present. Tho following business was transacted: trans-acted: Petition of Mrs. John McLean for release of taxes not allowed. Resignation of llyrum S. Clyde ns registry ugent of Sprlngvillo precinct No. I accepted. Petition of E. J. Nash for release of taxed on personul properly he.retnfuro presented, claiming that same has been paid In Grand county, disallowed on the ground that no receipt for luxes has been presented. Tux sales for year 1800 upon property of Helga Dedrlckson nud R. Craig cstnlo, ordered released on payment of original tax, county waiving costs and . lulorcBt. j Tux sale of James Munn of Lehi for 1808 ordered released, It being double and erroneous. Puililon of Geo. G. Duk- of South Fork, Provo Canyon uuklng for relief from eounty lu building btidgo across Provo River, wus referred to McEwau with power to act. Petition prcsontod from John Anderson, Ander-son, Jr., und twenty oth.irsof Bonj nuln und Lake Shun, asking for privilege of constructing a drain ditch on south side of county road, commencing at the northweHt corner of Erlck Nielsen's farm In llenjumlu and conveying It In direct lino west for a distance of two miles to a point near tho southeast corner ot Isaac N. Whlttakor's lund, said ditch to be lour feet at bottom and six feet at top and two feet deep. Gi anted on condition that petitioners file u written ugrcomonL signed by all parties In uecoidanco with the general oulltno of tho petition and premlsos, "W. II. Spalnhownr of Payson, appropriated appro-priated $2.1)0 ou account of errouuous tax sale. Salaries of county officers and ro-gulur ro-gulur batch of claims allowed und appropriated. ap-propriated. S. E. Bunnell nppoated in nmtter of changing the bound ry line of Luke View school district. Taken under advesoment. Claim of Loo T. Shelley for $7 for assessing additional lands to American Fork disallowed as being an improper claim. Claim of Prlmo Evans for JO, sauio services in Luhl, same action. Claims of Thns. Suddook for $27, Jos, Blockyou for (37 and John llock lor 818 wero dtsallowod on recommendation recommenda-tion of county attorney, These aro hobos used as witnesses against Conners, Claim of German Ellsworth referred to Commissioner Hughes for Investigation. Investiga-tion. i Claim of Andrew Adamson, county surveyor cut from 816.75 to 813.75. On request of II. F. Thomas, county clerk was Instructed to draw warrants for payment of books nuoiiod by Thomas Thom-as to copy district mining records. OOlclal bond of Edward Bennett, Justice cf the Poacu o'f Santaquin, ac-. cepted, pending tho nlllxlng of a 60 cent revenue stamp, Liquor license bond of Kaiser & Christensen of Castllla Springs accepted. accept-ed. L. N. Olseu of Thistle granted liquor license. Official bond of Wren WUktns, con-stable con-stable of Provo, accepted pending the affixing of a G0-cent revenue stamp. Report on Inquest on body of Robert II. Cobbloy of Pleasant Grovo accepted. TltKASUKEn'S HterouT. Jury and witness fund Balauco August 1 t 300 70 8chnol fund-Balance fund-Balance August 1 333 75 General fund-Balance fund-Balance August 1 1670 20 Superintendent of Schools, con. llilnuoo August 1 015 27 Contingent fund Balauco August I S 10 Report of foes collected: Reonrdor 821 05 Clork 181 83 Sheriff 10 10 Report of Sheriff on contingent fund uceopled. County Trcnsuror allowed 820 on contingent fund. Claim of German Ellsworth, boo in-sped in-sped or, for 827 80 allowed. Report of John Wnodhouse, Justico of the Peace at Lohl, referred to Commissioner Com-missioner Davis. P, E. Hnutz confirmed us socond deputy county treasurer, at -salary o! 8.M) per month. Appropriations made to County Commissioners: Com-missioners: McEwatii poor fund $100, MuEwan, highways fund 100. Bids opened for windows und door (ramus in basement of Couuty Iuilrni-ary Iuilrni-ary us follows: Smoot Investment Co 8140 00 E. J. Ward & Sons 103 25 Former was awarded contract. Adjourned, |