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Show A NEW DEPARTURE. SOMETHING. ABOUT ADVANCE OF PROVO BUSINE88. One or the Establishments. Which Helps tho Growth Read and bo Posted ; Call and bo Satisfied. Gentle render, did you ever notico tho volumo of business now boing transacted in Provo? Hnvoyou noticed the effect of homu patronage on tho financial condition of our city? If not, you should join Tub Democrat man on one of his dally rounds and seo for yourself how things aro progressing. It should be a matter of pride to every Provo citizen to nolo the upbuilding of prosperous business establishments by our own homu people. Among thoso Institutions wo deslro In this Issue to mention one which is deserving of attention at-tention from everyone und that Is the West Store of which Andrew EgrtBen Is the proprietor. Tub Demockat man had tho pleasure this week uf calling call-ing upon and haying a chat with Mr. EggcrUen. That gentleman is justly proud of tho rccoid he has made this season In handling the Champion ma chines, mowers and binders, ilo has placed a dozen of tho new mnchlues In this section this year und everyone is I reported to be doing finely and giving perfect satisfaction. The buggy and wagon trade, although with 'a late start has been good, and tho line of agricultural agricul-tural Implements tins moved nicely. In looking over Mr. Eggortscn's largo and well-arranged establishment, wo note that ha has made a now departure depar-ture and that is by going heavily into thestovo trade A carload of nev stock in this line was Just unloaded Saturday, and It makes a big and elegant ele-gant assortment. Thoro are Stewart si eel ranges, Stowart stoves wlili steel ovens, hot blasts and Franklins for heaters. In fitct an assortment that cunnot fall" io please overyono In variety, varie-ty, quality und prlco. This lluo will bo a big winner. When you think of Eggerlsen's West Store, and you should do so whenever you have trading to do, don't forget that he carries a full and complete lino of dry goods, shoes for everybody, men's and boys' bais, caps und under wear and a fresh, choice and complete line of staple groceries. You eau get nny thing you want atEggortsen's and tho satisfied smllu on tho 'ace of every customer shows that their treatment, ns well as their bargains, was all that could bo desired. |