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Show Charges. Evasion of Contract. At the meeting of the county court Monday tho mattor was brought up of au old contract with the Tolluride Power Transmission Co., lu which tho latter agreed to furnish thirty olectrlc lights freo for the court house as soon as they commenced supplying lights to consumers lu this city. Tho contract was made with the former county board at tho timo tho franchise was granted the company to erect poles along tho county highways. The Tolluride Toll-uride Co. claim that the proposed electric elec-tric service for Provo docs not come under this contraot as tboy only fur-ulsh fur-ulsh eleotrlo current to un independent company und do not furnish lights. The commissioners claim this Is an evasion and talk of taking tho matter into tho courts. Tho discussion was ouly Informal and no action was taken. |