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Show jPOUUTII district, PROCEEDINGS IN THE FOUnTH DI8TRICT COURT, "Silver Tip" Denied Rcleao But Has Ball Reduced-Mrs. Hannah Ub-borno Ub-borno Grunted Separate Jtalntc-nunco Jtalntc-nunco 3Irfl. WrUlit Gets Divorce. TUKSDAY. Jnscphtno Hanson vs. Otto Hanson, defendant ordered to show paure on A igust 10, and restrained pending same. In matter of estnto of Amund A. Dahle. deceased, Wm. A. S.oker, Niels Antbon and John S. Stoker appointed appraisers. In tho matter of habeas corpus proceedings pro-ceedings In behalf of Jus F. Howells, alias "Silver Tip," application beard and denied. Ball of Howells was reduced re-duced from $2,000 to $1,000, bond to bo approved by District. Attoruev of Sixth District. Howells Is the allcgod Rob-bets' Rob-bets' Roost man captured by Joe Bush aud put In county Jail hero for safe keeping. Suit Alod in case of Acqullla and Jo ab Collins vs. Mary Collins ct nl. This is a suit agnlnst the heirs and administrator admin-istrator to recover Interest In tho estate es-tate of Thus. Collins, deceased. Plain-tiffs Plain-tiffs are represented by Thus. Johu and D. D. Houtz. tVEDNKSOAY. Oshorno vs. Osborno, defendant not having paid costs as ordered by tho court, his answer Is st ricken from tho tiles and plaintiff, Hannah Osbsrnc, granted decree of separate maintenance, mainten-ance, with custody of children, $15 per month aud costs. Jennlo M. Wright vs. Goo, II. Wright, plaintiff granted divorce by default, and awarded custody of one minor child, $5 per month alimony, $26 attorney fees and costs. As Wright Is the man suspected of complicity in the Pelican Point murders, and Is nou est, It will bo dltllcult to collect the alimony. ali-mony. Two suits filed against E, B. K. Ferguson et al. ono by John Marwlck administrator of estate of R. D. Swa-sey, Swa-sey, for $lo0, costs, Interest and attorney's attor-ney's fees on note; ono by Slegel clothing cloth-ing Co., for $51 07, costs nnd Interest on nolo, E, E. Corfman is plaintiff's attorney In both envw. |