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Show HOME PATRONAGE , We have many times outlined our Ideas upon this question. Without universal uni-versal piifronngu of homo Industries, how ciin those Industries live? An article In the last Issue of the Price Advucatu recall air of our old nrgumeuts. Wo quote a few Items as follows: ''Dutract from tho prosperity of out line of trade nnd you drlvoauall Into tho cutllti of tho cnmiiiunlly. It may bo n very small putchasc that you muko from a pedlar or a torelgn housn. but It encournges some ono else to send their money nut of (own, and tho dollar which goes uway does not come back, "Make it your bot that you buy everything at home and do nil you can to Induce oihors lu do so. Thut Is the way to make the town prosperous The meichatits of Prlcu keep excellent stocks of goods, and if there Is any thing you wish outside of those slocks thov will older It for you. They uru paying the local luxes auil every cunt expended lu the conduct of their busl-nest busl-nest assists you nud me in making u living. "A merchant's trade Is the living of himself and family. When you take it nwny from blm and give It to the fellow abroad you uot ouly reducu his business but you enter his homo and deprive it ol comforts which rightfully belong to Itliu. "It Is a fact that your trade- does be lunu to the local merotiuut. Ho p:iys you for It by. patronizing you directly or by dealing with some uiun wbo does deal with you, "Can you buy abroad nnd then compose com-pose your face and ask homo people for busluuss favors?' Wo know whereof wo spook when we say that the community which does not support Its home Industries Is not entitled en-titled to any recognition in the great line of progress. Our business pays our local tuxes, when money Is spent In our own town It means, lu tho vermicular, vermicu-lar, that overybody "gets a whack ut It." What does It mean when It goes to Salt Lake City or some othdr place? It means thut the inllucnco of that money, that thu chance of local t rude on that money, that tho lupdlso of trado duo to that money Is loreverlost. Nothing comes back to us from these grasping centers of Vade, I. o., nothing of importance. Keep tnouoy at homo, and tho wty to do it Is tho putrouage of home Institutions. Tho Idea is to "Live nud let live," and always re-merubdr re-merubdr that your personal lutorests are tho interests of every one In our community. |