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Show JThx Murrny American Eagle crlt ! MB ""eWs'the action of Governor YMIs In HHS the appointment of the leceptlon com-flHt com-flHt niltteu to meet thereturping Utah vol HjB unteers In the course of Its criticism BBv .tbe Eaule says: "Wo llilnk "somo. of ihHb,. ihe relatives of the deceased voluntoors BHSf should have ben recognized." So do B9BB we, yet it whs not done In Provo or mHHJi elsewhere,, so far as we ckr learn. If BBmf snyooe will put his hoart In such work fflBBLj l ' parent whose boy Is one or our jHHf 'MttrnlnR heroes. It might bb addfcd Bjp! that'the satne discrimination nnalst HHR xlatlvebrilievolunU'er8lnaanlfest In BSS" ' (be appointment nf the i'rovo cumm(i-BHK cumm(i-BHK t Ire on local reception. BsStsBBKLfcSAMfalllll' M r M lllMll.lllMMMMMI |