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Show EUREKA 1. 0. 0. F. TO SEAT CHIEFS EUREKA -I. O. O. F. lodgi! No. 12 will instill officers Wednesday at 7:30 p. n., with District Deputy Dep-uty Grand Master Clyde Underbill Under-bill of Delt i in charge. The following elective and appointive ap-pointive olficers will be seated: Noble grand, Edward Kolts: right supporter t the noble grand, John Morley Sr. left supporter tp the noble granr . Ivan Christensen ; vice grand. Wh tford Bates; righi. supporter sup-porter to 'rice grand, L. K. Spurrier: Spur-rier: left supporter to vice rand. E. C. Lov fridge; secretary. Herbert. Her-bert. Curvrin; treasurer, Robert Laird; warden. Rex Warr; conductor, conduc-tor, Bruce Scott; right scene supporter. sup-porter. John Dolinar; left I scene supporter, Wendell Mellor; Inside guardian, Ivan Warr, and iutslde guardian, lack Dalton. I |