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Show Hfrevsfteir Gets Speaker lomoiniQftiiol utah bourbons speed caucus oiIhojjsepost 33 Vow to Back Salt Laker, Ass jre Election By PAl L STAPLES Representative Sheldon I Brewster Brew-ster (D.J Salt Lake) wai unanl- 1 i mously selected as a candidate for speaker of the state house of representatives rep-resentatives by 33 Democratic! representatives rep-resentatives at a caucus Monday night. The Telegram was I told Tuesday. The caucus. It Is understood, was held In the senate chambers at the capital by representatives who had come to Salt Lake City for the inaugural in-augural of Governor Herbert B. Maw. Caucus ( all Issued "The legislature convenes Monday and State Chairman Parnell Black of the Democrats notified party legislators to meet at the New-house New-house hokel Saturday night to caucus cau-cus on leaders. 1 I Representative H. A. Macfarlane (D., Welter), It was reported, was appointed at 'the Monday night meeting Lo notify Mr. Black that a caucus aJready had been held and another Saturday would be unnecessary un-necessary r. J There are 60 members in the lower ho jse and 33 pledged! to RP-resentative RP-resentative Brewster will assure his election as speaker. Seek to Avoid Trip The representatives participating participat-ing in the unannounced caucus reportedly took their action because be-cause of a desire to avoid having to return to Salt Lake City , Saturday, Sat-urday, inasmuch as they were already here for the inaugural. Representative Macfarlane, it was reported, presided at the caucus. Other representatives who an said to have attended are: 'II Miltor J. Thorne, Boi Elder; George S. Noble, Cache S. W. K 1.1 wood W R White anI J. Rulon Jenkins, Weber; Sop J. Scl-vin, Scl-vin, Tooele: Grant Mldgley. 5ohn C. Leary. Robert F. PerrylThom-as PerrylThom-as Dix, Royal B. Garff, Sheldon R. Brev ster, J. Henry McGean, Joseph Irv4ne Nichols, Parnell Hinckley, Mrs. C. L. Jack, Mrs. Albert Jensen, George W. Reid, William Ingleby, Thomas M. Rees, C. E. Matthews. Milton Bodell and ' N. E. Halnsworth, Salt Lake, Floydl D. Williams, Summit; Burton H. Adams, T. Earl Foote and Maude B. Jacob, Utah; Fred J. Mlllrrinn, Juab; Edward Scher-er Scher-er and IB. L. Frandsen, Carbon; J. W. Pace, Millard, and Heber Bennlonj Jr., Daggett. Black Declines Comment Parnell Black, Democratic state chairman. In court Tuesday afternoon, after-noon, appeared surprised at the news, said he "hadn't heard It be- fore," and declined comment. Representative Bennlon, speaker in .19.19 and considered a poiuible candidate for the post In 1941, reportedly re-portedly objected to voting at the caucus, expressing a desire, to wait until Saturday. His objections were overruled, however, and he voted to support Brewster, it was reported. re-ported. I Action of the representatives will not affect the senate, where a hot contest is being waged for the presiden :y, and will likel) be settled set-tled Satjrday. Senatdr Ira A. Huggins D., Weber), We-ber), president in 1939, and Senator Sena-tor Wendell Grover D- Salt Lake), long associated witli the political po-litical fbrces of GoverrK r Maw, are foremost candidates. Senator George M. Miller (D., Carbon), veteran legislator, report dly is a third OMible candidatf, most likely tt come Into the contest if a deadlock develops between the other two. ' |