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Show PAROLED YOUTH j HELD FOR THEFT PoHce Tuesday held without bond a 17-year-old Utah State Industrial In-dustrial arhool parolee accused of stealing a purs containing $35 from a Genealogical Society of Utah office secretary. Leah Phelpa, 827 Second avenue, ave-nue, aald aha atepped out of th effir. M North Main atreet, for "Just a moment" Monday and when set returned th purse was gone. Detectives arrested th suspect - lat Monday at Main and North , Tempi at reels. Theater acrip tickets valued at 40 wer recovered by polic Tues- day and' turned over to Miss Joyce Richardson, 653 East Second South . tret.. the owner, who lost the tickets November 29. Detectives said they found th articles In possession of two youths who tried to cash th tickets at a local downtown theater Monday ight All but two wer recovered. A man with a size 11 iho was ought bv polic Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh M. Bryan, 1054 Third avenue, told polic she parked an utomohil hesld her hbme Sunday Sun-day night. Monday she found that both right wheels and tires wer missing. Th thief rolled th tire and wheela toward Second avenue, where police lost his tracks In the now. He wore narrow size 11 shoes with pointed toes, detectives said. Police Tuesday searched for a man who entered into a real estate es-tate deal with a Salt Lake City man December IB, collected the rent, cashed checks totaling $420 Under th other party's name and then skipped. Frank Roberts. 604 East First South street, aald he entered into negotiations with th man for the sal of a local hotel three weeks ago. Under the agreement, the ther man was to collect the rents, pay tha gas and light bills and turn the balance over to him. Instead, he said, the man forged five checks, signing Roberts' name, and ran off with money he had collected from tenants. A complaint charging Byron Olson, 24, HOB Park street, with econd degree burglary was filed In th county attorney's office Tuesday by R. C. Johnaon, manager man-ager of th Rapid Auto Laundry, T7 fast Ninth South street. Johnson told police tha suspect, . a former employe, entered the building Monday night and allegedly al-legedly stole three containers of gasoline valued at $2.02. H is to b arraigned In city court Wednesday. Clarenr ButterfieM, IB, trusty -ho escaped from th city police target rang two weeks ago, was arrested by Inspector O. B. Record and Detective A.. A. Rees and returned to city Jail Tuesday. |