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Show ,f Csrreat Divieeas I Federally lataves Safety I (HASTIIIO ISO SUMIVIiiO IT j Am tintTfo sum ovhkmih IT 'II tUl'IIIIWifF il- i 1 ,la umisLmimtmmmmttttmmsmsmmimsms-!tn m it - -- i ssi i COME ON! Drive fjjjb. fjjn G)? 7?r a-New'Kind of d hBJ; L Sj(uJ I i sasassswaaste 0mMtC &$ Never before has a new car appeared that, " - .r . . .-. : "9 m -TZZTr in so many ways, offered you so muck more fj HMni.m.il 1 1 1 km liilll...n.rrr vtr r. -4a4" . ' ... thsn other cars at its price. II ssassssss " " """""""SS? Be open-minded. Simply compare Nash s,. j'i .-isp"" S3Stk with the three other popular cars. First, T'"V'I ' "' " let's start with sedan price,: Q1 A' V Car B..;;. $795 Cak D ..... . $780 E?' 1 C Now See How Much More Hash Offers! fff' jjl'f r"L - ' NX vS ... -v is the only low-price V , F ' I I I 1 y 7t l car with newtype soft 1 If T TuA ) 1 . - , I I I JiJL coil springs on all four . .www-J I I v-' I I - il O '3 IJ- wheels. . .: V S' "ir-v - ' , I00MIEI . . . Nash has greatest 7 Mv seating width of all low-price J , . s , csrs. A front sest almost fire A I " feet wide. Rear seat can be made Tv - ""T into Convertible Bed. ., j r ' 11 in.n.in l n n niiiirimrrwrminmrwtmiTO r """ niiiiiimiiiiiiiimuimimiminn vyJfe - - Undef power, fairly scoot you through traffic kind of car-the resuld of millions of dollara iTi 'SS'soMStauaS Its a New Kind of Lav 7ndnev in.llyourlife, have vo.felt.low. -a,..- JNubL hiVhaesnDarethat' f D ' Vla1A price car ridt like this. It has soft coil springs 00 ' Come down and try it. Then, be open-minded. 8 P,reth,f- in the LOWeSt'rriCe riela-- lnJour wheelj. Compare this Nash w .h the car you've been t . . ... thinking of buying. We ire sure that, like thou- Come on-Try it! r oo-yoMtos.,, THRIVE this new Nash-.nd g official td ClMO. "" 4D00R. SEJ" LJ gas meter test-before you decide on any X. h. SU I U ,,U) Ambassador -oo- effective to 10-below aero. new car this year. 6 . MtMM eries. Pr.ces include stmoard fiu. . r t ...!..... There S new, Two-wsy Roller Steering. Actu- sf st sf equipment nd federal tai.Weacher The figures above, amazing as they are, don t hug even twisty mountain roads as ih,.. Eye Conditioned Air System. Coo-ttriMUttitlllie.. Coo-ttriMUttitlllie.. begin to tell you the story of this new hJ of car. My, you H w ., ,ertible Bed, White Side Wall Tires axe optiooales-(PJTv!? optiooales-(PJTv!? bodysndframeareons Not even the $70 to $100 a year you ssve-can houRh rou were """"n8 on tr. se N,sh-t Ambassador "6" f m AlMntrnl welded unit of amai- measure the thrill of this Nash. And here, too, is Nash's amazing Conditioned and "8" Series each thd outstand- P IN M It feJiULiJi ing strength. No other . uu .it - . :. Air Svstem to keep vou warm as toast your wind- ing value in its own price! class! M R. l. fel c ye, has, hi, mod- Wait "til you see how b ig a, dhno.. ,.... System ke;PnUmatter how Jdyit getl! OTHER MODELS LOW AS... UlsV aJ ernNashconstmaion. no car at this price has ever been so roomy! snieia saieiy cier, no if T smin I Wait 'til you find how its fast pick-up, its smooth Yes... from beginning to end... fcere is a new , , ' J U j BALLARD MOTOR COMPANY 633 South Mam St. ) f M I Su(arhoute....Aahlon Auto Co.. 10H X. Slut 80. Kemmerer. Wyo Btar Servtca Trana Co. Olden. I'tah Amblrr Mot If , I I I Arco, Idaho Fred Reich Motor I.osan. Uta Eaugh Motor Co. 'dah0 Bn9or Motor Ce. Mi I 1 I'll Bl.ckf.ot. Idaho W. I. Bills Company Plrauint trove, UUI, L Owen h Bervic. SnTspr.nr;: wi::::":". . North b" e G.7aSS III l n K 7f I Cedar City, litah lonea Oaras Pnajs Idaho Drlgga Tractor V Imp Co. Tn.n Kails. Idaho Johnron Motor C; l VVV w ' F.lko. Nevada Maver On rata Lyman. Wyo Lyman Motor Tar Trrmnrton. t tah O. W. Ooldnberrv Motor I ifrr ttT TSaTTS' ilrtTT .fill Idaho Falls, Idaho Corey Implement Co. McOtll. Nev McGlll Oaruga Shelley. Idaho Hanson Servloo IJL.1) Jjl31 '.IJt M?if' jltV . . . ; ; 1 1 --i RELIEF FOR MUSCULAR ACHES AND PAINS Millions have used Johnson's Red Cross 1 'latter for over 50 years The medication warms, soothes, supports and relieves backache and lumbago due to muscular pain, also muscle stiffness and soreness, strains, wrenches and simple chest colds. Get a plaster today. It's economical. Look (or the name Johnson's and the Red Cross on every plaster you buy . Accept no substitutes. Made by Johnson it Johnson, the world's largest maker of surgical dressings. For sale at drug stores. |