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Show So They Say l!m not the country's No. 1 golf r, and I'm glad of it. After a gblfer gets to the top there is onli one way he can go from thcie -and that's dow n.-Ben llogan, chief mone) -winning goirir in the U. S. Ilow can we engender loyalty? Th law of loyalty is simpler than the law of gravitation. It is this: We love not those who do Imost for us, but those for whom we do most. President George Barton Cutting of Col-gatr1 Col-gatr1 university. After all, Mr. Ballard Is dead, or has ascended, and It's a cinch I can't ascend and take the Jury with me to ask him about it. Judge Leon Yankwich in the "I Anj" trial. Labor difficulties account for no more than 1 per cent In the dcfciy on cantonment construction. construc-tion. War Secretary Stimson. ip America, If one would be respected, he need only he re-spctiille. re-spctiille. Judge Robert N. Vlkln of Cleveland to class of nclv citizens. We have a way in this country ofwaitlng until the last minute and then expecting miracles. Donald M. Nelson, coordinator of purchases, National Defense Commission. |