Show r The Weather 1 L Local al office U U. 8 S. weather bureau Salt Lake City Utah December 14 14 1 1933 Bal WEATHER WT SUMMARY The Te wet western rn d disturbance appears this morning as as-an as an elongated d low extending from Washington to the eastern easter parts of ot Wyoming Wyo Wyo- ming mine and Colorado The lowest pressure reported was 29 2940 40 Inches at Chey Cheyenne but the the pressure was s almost ost as I low at and the western edee edse edae of the depression is barely within the northwest con coast st st. rain or snow has occurred d practically everywhere every where west of the tha Rocky mountains and eat east of th the divide divide- in Montana the noy- noy inces and th the tho Dakotas A strong tron cold Men hish Is I crested over Ofer FORECASTS the Great Lakes Wyoming u Unsettled lT tonight and Friday occasional snow in extreme north orton slightly colder In southwest portion to- to to night Partly Party cloudy coudy tonight colder north and east cast j portion Friday fair Idaho Idaho- ae Generally cloudy tonight t and M Priday Fri Friday Fi- Fi Fiday day with local Ideal rain or snow in north portion pr- pr nor por lion tion ton slightly colder in south portion porton to toni tonight to- to ni night niTER WEATHER TER OBSERVATIONS TAKEN TA AT 6 A. A M M. TODAY P E Temperatures ture i I. I 1 p Stations staton Max MAx I Mist Min f 01 yesterday today Boise 52 40 01 gg gge Chicago e g 30 28 25 g 00 g Denver r 64 44 00 Grand Orand rJ J Junction i s. s U 60 34 03 g Helena e 32 33 28 26 04 Lander 50 59 34 f 00 Los Angeles r W o 50 so 84 t Modena e e. e 48 46 n 32 g 24 Needles 64 44 28 New d York ork g 32 20 18 ig Oklahoma City 62 62 12 40 00 Omaha 34 24 8 00 Phoenix x 72 48 0 00 Pocatello 50 34 80 eo Portland lt l' l Ore r gg 50 42 12 g gReno Reno 40 40 32 08 SALT SAT LAKE LE CITY 54 34 11 San Francisco CI 58 8 50 20 0 Santa SantaFe SantaFe Fe 52 3 34 3 00 5 Spokane 48 34 30 9 Tonopah 44 26 01 01 I u 48 U 34 02 Yellowstone 40 23 28 08 0 TEMPERATURES Highest Wednesday g 84 Lowest Wednesday n r. r 34 Thursday a 10 a. a m. m 37 31 Thursday 12 noon oon 40 fO Sun sets Thursday at P. P I m. m Bun BUl un rises lU Friday at a. a a a. a D |