Show f Bald Dont Don't Lose Hope Mr E. E E. E Proctor Cinco W. W Va 5 writes i f J 1 I was u partly bald for ten years ReI Re- Re I I featly I used 2 bottles o of or Japanese son oil OD and now have e hair hah 2 inches long ca oa the bald spots q if JAPANESE OIL IL the antiseptic counter- counter lj ii D' D used by bj thousands for tor baldt bald- bald t p- p stu u. u hair loose dandruff and scalp r lt I. I Price SOc Me Economy Econom size alze 1 SI All f booklet Truth About tt Hilr lr Trite b K C Co Ce 5 M V. V V. V th St. St N. N Y T. ENJOY I I I i t tI I f If I I I i ir rr r r aft 4 w ih MODERN f y I I Ir r I UTAH Jj CAS US S fe COKE CO o OGDEN GAS CAS A co v T W WASATCH GAS CAS AS co TWENTY OHe UTAH t HEIRS WANTED J JOb lohn hn Barr Barry son of William Barry and Mary Pepper Barry leaves substantial estate Sister Catherine Barry resIded In Salt Lake years a ago Anyone having Information tion t Please lease communicate with the tile undersigned ChARLES E. E OCONNOR O'CONNOR COMPANY N. N LaSalle St. St Chicago Illinois Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises TELLS SAFE SIMPLE SIl WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME nOME If It you bae ha catarrh rrb catarrhal deaf deaf- nr vi ne-vi or head noises caused by by- or If It phlegm drops In your throat t and andins hiM ins caused catarrh of oC the stomach or bowels you ou will be glad to know that th these thee e distressing symptoms may be en entirely entirely en- en overcome In ninny many Instances by bythe bythe bythe the following treatment which jou ou can easily prepare lu your own home at little cost COit Secure from Cram Schramm- Schramm Johnson Drugs or your drugs druggist 1st 1 ounce of oC Double Strength th Take this home borne and add to It k I. i pint of oC hot water and a Q little granulated sugar stir sUr until dissolved Take Tako one four times a day An Improvement Is 18 sometimes noted after the first days day's treatment Breathing should become easy while the distressing dis Wa- head hend noises headaches dull dull- ness nees cloudy thinking etc should gradually disappear under the tonic action of or the treatment Loss Los of ot smell taste defective hearing and nd mucus dropping In tn the back of or the throat ore are other symptoms which suggest the presence of or catarrh and which may often be overcome o by this efficacious treatment It M ii said that ninety ninety ninety nine nine- ty per cent of all 11 ear car troubles trouble arc caused by catarrh and there must therefore therdore be many whose henrIng henr- henr Ing may he r restored by this thU simple Minnie harmless horn home treatment Adv Achy GORDON GREEK CREEK GOAL COAL Utah's Super Fuel l e 0 CITY GOAL COAL GO OO Hyland Byland I Member N R 11 A UNCLAIMED SUITS ITS I With forfeited deposits deposit lieI lie Be- BeA A I turned by br our I P I scent T W. 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J M M M TOYS Of the better and larger arger Rind a at special prices on easiest of terms COASTER WAGONS All steel ee Wagons o Small sizes sties Yearn for This S Romantic I Love Gift I and sizes SI 51 u the Medium larg largest est and finest fin J est for lor only L' L DOLL DOLLi i u CARRIAGES Famous Lloyd make Round Bound Special Purchase fiber Every feature Priced as low DESKS 95 N TRICYCLES 7 I 1 The American line un Nothing louing FINE SMALL SPINET AND Arm 7 DOWN better All An sizes Priced from HOUSE DESKS A Will wm Deliver Any for a a- All An Inch 12 front frontI Cedar Chest for tor the home Q 0 desk wheel Also I for or on only 1 y 0 the next balance year to pay larger sizes at nt 05 o Down Don 1 51 a Month CHESTS Famous LANE CEDAR S and SIZE LANE LARGEST OIt WIN WIN- Inch 36 Inch 40 A Special J a I C Cedar c d ar Lane CHESTS LANK LANE CHESTS DESKS ol 01 the better SP 75 ALL SIZES SLEDS Chest for forn I kind very special 1995 C 75 75 2475 24 32 Inch 32 at n 5 1475 14 1975 19 i size 9 The Tite perfect rift gift Inch 36 Down S a Month Extra size Ize Genuine Gen Gen- for Sweetheart S size B Beautiful 1 11 I V Walnut Wal Wal- a 1 i Wife or Mother Inch 40 fige Down Do DownA nut F FIn Finish I n I 1 s Ii h tune W walnut al In Int a t ii t Men ou ran can size FINER DESI DESKS S AS SHOWN in including In- In gracefully elevated ele ole with cads f Inte Inte- make nak no mistake mis Also we stock stock A A. A b be beautiful C I Tennessee Ten Ten- en Quality t take ke buying a 11 all sizes in infamous P Gentlemen eluding Secretary Red Ce Cedar Ce- Ce d at d on le It legs s Cedar C Ch he s st t famous Flex Flexible and hook Book Desks s moth mothproof root that only Lane Line especially a Ii ible Flyer 2675 dar r Chest Chests can give Lane Sleds Your choice protection nw JUVENILE FURNITURE iD I I Terms Terms Desk Desk Chairs 2 52 Desk Lamps SI 51 Town Out Customers Especially Invited Tables Chairs Remember the Place Memorize the Name Blackboards mack Black boards 89 ODD o oDoll Don Doll Open Until Wicker Beds r Rockers 9 o'clock Billiard Beautiful Tables Desks S Saturday a t ure I ay E Eve ve Ironing Boards Board I r y |