Show Philadelphia Star Snares Undisputed Lead in Cue Meet CHICAGO D Dar D 14 UP UP Andrew Andrew Ponzi of Philadelphia held undisputed p possession of first place in the worlds world's c championship billiard tournament toay to to- d day ay with five tive victories and no defeats T The he tournament closes December 21 Ponti Fonzi defeated Charles of A Astoria storia N. N Y for his fifth victory t to o in 25 innings hason has w won on but one out of seven games and was tied with Bennie Allen of ot Kansas KanOS Kan Kan- S sas OS City for last place William Mosconi year old hila- hila d delphia bo boy knocked James Caras 22 Wilmington Del out of a first place t tie ie by handing him his first defeat 1 25 to 95 in 26 innings Erwin Rudolph of ot Cleveland former forner for for- mer ner worlds world's champion remained in inthe t he the running by defeating Frank Ta Ta- b erski berski of Schenectady N. N N Y to 2 21 1 in 15 innings Rudolph was tied w with ith George Kelly of Philadelphia for s second place with four victories and andone andone o one ne defeat detent each |