Show 1 JUDGE IMPOSES FINE ON LIQUOR CHARGE 4 Pleading guilty to liquor possession charges Mike Karras Karros 39 39 was fined fiDe 25 in lieu licu of a day 15 jail jaU term tem in police court Wednesday He waS was arrested arrested arrested ar- ar rested December 9 at 20 West Broadway Broadway Broad Broad- s way when police seized a half haU pint of gin I IA 1 A AA A bench warrant for the the- arrest of Joe Thomas 28 38 was ordered when he failed to appear to enter plea to liquor possession pos charges filed after his arrest Monday at South West Temple street John Lloyd 30 arrested arrested ar nr- ar- ar rested at South State Slate street Monday Mon Mon- day pleaded not guilty to liquor possession pus pOSe session charges and will face trial December 21 u |