Show GIVES SUGGESTION SUGGESTION I c LII I II I I Ir I If I xI Mrs Miranda C C. C Cook WOMEN VOTERS ASK CHANGES AT CITY CEMETERY Delegation Makes Visit With Aim of Freshening Commission Commission Com Corn mission Viewpoint Described as an effort to freshen city commissioners commissioners' viewpoints on budget making and economies a delegation delegation dele dele- g gation tion from the Utah League of Wom Women en Voters Thursday recommended that th the officials change certain policies poll polio cies in municipal administration The delegation headed by Mrs Miranda Miranda Mi Mi- randa C. C Cook president explained their study of civic affairs had been confined almost exclusively to the City cemetery and they made the following fol fol- fol lowing suggestions 1 That the cemetery be removed from the department of finance and public affairs and in in n th the d de of parks and and public pUblic prop prop- erty Ask Charge Charre Revision 2 2 That the grave digging charge be revised making it uniform with the charge in other cemeteries and adequate adequate ade ade- quate to cover cost of the service 3 3 That the section designated for perpetual care should be wholly under under un un- der this care and that the fund for this purpose diverted years ears ago be restored restored re re- re- re stored 4 4 That a system of cost accounting be installed We Vc do not come in a spirit of ot criticism cism said Mrs Cook but only to freshen your viewpoint on such matters mat mat- She called attention to records showing the cost for autos used at atthe atthe atthe the cemetery in 1928 was that it amounted to in 1930 and fell feU back to 2000 in 1932 A centralized motor vehicle department was suggested sug sug- as a means of remedying the condition System to Be Installed Auditor Samuel F F. Nicholls ex cx- explained that a cost accounting system for the cemetery has been planned for the past year and will be installed January 1 1 The perpetual care fund claimed to have been secretly diverted b by a previous ous administration totaled more than it was said and was used presumably to pay previous current operating expenses of the city Since then the general fund has been unable unable un un- un able to repay the cemetery account Grave digging costs at City cemetery cemetery cemetery tery range from 4 to 8 while in other cemeteries the same service costs from 6 to 10 and some charge 15 when the work is is done for a Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day interment The entire matter was taken under advisement by commissioners who explained it would be reconsidered I when Mayor Major Louis of 1 cemetery supervision returns to the thc city |