Show TONG WAR FLARES ANEW IN MONTREAL SIX HURT MONTREAL Dec 14 UP UP- UP Knives flashed in a new outbreak o of tong ong war in Montreal's Chinatown today sending six Chinese to hospital and nd 16 to police cells Three of the victims may die dk They Ticy are Jim Lee 32 stabbed many times mes Lim Wong 26 fractured skull and nd numerous knife wo wounds and ana Nan Chu 51 51 bruised and stabbed about the ae head The other three injured injured were sent home after aUer treatment The battle broke in a Chinese restaurant res res- aurant in n the heart of or Chinatown after 2 a. a m. m When police pollee radio adio cars cars and r reserves serves arrived in response t to a riot call they they found found a amob amob amob mob of battling in the street with knives and iron hon bars |