Show Daily Health Service Dont Don't Let Any Hearing Failure Defeat eat You By DR DK MORRIS l FISHBEIN There Is no reason to feel aged ged or defeated 1 if you happen to be belard hard lard of hearing On the contrary there are numerous numerous' instances of men and nd women who have become famous despite as pile this handicap p. p The list of such successes Includes the he great musician Beethoven Sir Joshua oshua Reynolds Oliver Goldsmith Geor George e Meredith Lord Chesterfield and nd many others With modern advances in science and nd with the aid available for persons with pro progressive har hardness ness of hearing there here is no reason for any change in their heir attitude or behavior They need only cultivate the will to overcome the he trouble The physician realizes that there are re several different causes es for progressive progressive progressive pro pro- hardness of ot hearing some of ot which are controllable medical medi cal care Those forms due to mice mice- ion In the tissues concerned may my to toa a considerable extent be controlled e a a e 9 Those forms due to what is known as in which the tissues Involved in hearing gradually are arc hardened so as ac to be unable to tune tune- tion are treated with much greater difficulty The situation Is particularly difficult difficult cult for the school child with such a condition The father thinks the child Lc is inattentive the mother thinks the child chUd is a dreamer the teacher thinks I the he child Is stupid and the other boys I and girls hardly know how to take him lim The child chUd thus is shut in and tries to cover up his malady by various deceits or devices which react to his disadvantage If It he does not hear r a question he prefers to say that he does not know rather than to ask the teacher to repeat the question As he grows rows older the child tends to cover up the severity of ot his deficiency deli deli- and thus sooner or later ma may develop an inferiority complex Some children have been driven Into misbehavior mis mis- behavior and even crime as a result I e 0 a Difficulty in hearing for tor a man in middle age turns out to be less of a handI handicap p than for Or a women The business world regards a man as successful successful suc sue with or without his handicaps but because woman recently has just jus come out of the home and into bust busl ness and public life the woman who develops hardness of or hearing has a much more difficult time She gr gradually is forced back Into her home and out of oC the work in which she finds the greatest of in in- terest Some men take disability much more seriously than then do others When ringing in the cars is superimposed on n deafness dearness the condition is more troublesome and when vertigo or dizziness accompanies most serious reactions occur Martin Luther was troubled by such hardness of hearing ringing Inthe in inthe the he ears and dizziness To what ex ex- tent ent these defects molded Martin Mortin Luthers Luther's career Is a 3 matter for thought by jy the psychologists |