Show Not So Long Ago From The Telegram of December 14 1923 A check for was received today by Rabbi Adolphe Steiner Sterner chairman of the near east relief committee committee com from the L. L D. D S. S church as a contribution to the near east relief relie Two subscriptions swelled the chamber of commerce drive for funds to advertise S Salt lt Lake Utah and the intermountain west to a total lota of up to early this afternoon The checks were from the Union Pa Pa- chic and Southern Pacific companies Byron D. D Anderson a a. graduate o othe of the University of Utah law school last year was yesterday awarded a aset aset aset set of law encyclopedias by bya a book boo compa company y of New NewYork York in recognition of his excellency in the prescribed course course of law S. S SC C. C Adams was elected president for 1934 by branch of Postal Su Suo |