Show j. j r- r l 1 Salt Lake Briefs S I T. T ELDERLY WOMEN WOl will be guests of ot honor at the sixth annual Christmas Christ S S mas party of oI the Blue Triangle club clubS S of the Y W. W C. C A. A at 2 p. p m. m Sunday Musical and dramatic entertainment will be furnished by West high school students under the direction of Miss Ethel Connelly and Melvin Mclvin P. P Peter Peter- ton son S BIDS ON BUTTES BUTTER products have been asked from Ironi Salt Lake creameries I by the Federal Surplus Relief corpora corpora- tion Bids will be opened in WashIngton Wash I Ington December 19 Butter products purchased here will be distributed I among the needy by th the government JEWISH HOLIDAY of Hanukkah Is being observed by bf Salt Lake Jews It began Tuesday night and will conS continue con S for eight days das TELEPHONE TOLL elimination dim dim- nation In the Holladay district will be discussed at a meeting of the Holladay Holinday Betterment Betterment Betterment Better Better- ment league at p. p 11 m. m December December De De- cember 22 In the Holladay L. L D. D S. S ward hall hail The me meeting Ung originally scheduled for Friday ay was postponed A DA DAUGHTER was born Dec December S 13 to Lieutenant and Dd Mrs Walter Coulter Winn of Coronado Cal it was learned here Thursday Mrs Winn Is the daughter of Colonel and Mrs H. H C. C Price formerly of Fort Douglas A CONCERT by the West high school chool band will be given in the school auditorium at p. p m. m Friday under the direction o Kenneth Roylance I A mixed chorus of voices under the direction of P. P Melvin Mclvin Peterson Will sing at the concert AUTO PROWLERS stole two suits a suitcase a camera and other arti cles from an automobile belonging t tAl to Al Shocker of Sioux City Iowa while it was parked on State street near Fourth South street Wednesday night Shocker reported to police WOMANS IANS PLACE in the New Deal will be the subject of of a a talk tall by Mrs James James' H. H Wolfe at Dt a meetIng meeting meet meet- ing of the Capitol Hill unit of th the Young American league at the home of Mr and Mrs John T. T 2 2 West Fourth North street at p p.m. p. p m. m Friday STATE PRISON removal was discussed discussed dis dis- cussed Wednesday night at a meeting of the Sugarhouse Business Mens Men's league in the Sprague library The committee on public affairs g gave we a 3 report on the possibilities of the pro pro- A GARAGE FIRE TIRE of undetermined origin did 25 damage Wednesday night at the Fendall Ice Cream company com corn pany East Second South street i LETTER CARRI CARRIES CARRIERS RS belonging to Center of Scenic America branch No o of the national association elected H. H E. E R. R Freeman president at a meeting meeting meet meet- ing Wednesday night at the Newhouse New house hotel Arton Glasset was elected elected elect elect- ed vice president J. J T. T Clark recording record record- ing jag secretary A. A Lindorff financIal secretary Clyde Ferron tre treasurer surer M. M Olson trustee and J. J sergeant at arms NATIONAL RECOVERY Programs Programs Program's Programs Program's Pro Pro- grams gram's Scope and Trend will be the subject of an address b by Professor Mark H. H Greene state chairman c cf the N NR R B A before the Utah section o of the he American Institute of Mining am and M Metallurgical Engineers Tuesday at 7 p. p m. m in the Newhouse hotel J. J H H. Heginbotham of the General Engi company will talk on milling methods UTAH CONTRACTORS have been awarded construction of 23 miles of concrete road on the Santa Fe Fc highway highway high high- way north of Kingman Ariz it was learned Thursday The contract wa was given to Stone Grant and A. A O O. Thorne Thome of Springville on a bid of I A SWIMMING PARTY at Becks Beck's hot springs is planned for Friday night by the Wasatch Mountain club Members of the club will meet at Second South and State streets and go o from there in a body Miss Mis Leone Chambers will be in fn charge T T BURTON former city com corn missioner has been appointed inspector in I for the city at the Massey l Concrete Products company plant where men hired with C W A funds are employed making for lor the west side drainage project CIVIL SERVICE examinations for lor positions in in governmental offices at al Washington will vill be given until January January Jan Jan- uary 5 1934 H. H A. A Goodfellow secretary secretary sec see of the civil service bO board of examiners in Salt Lake has an an- Positions open are those of junior calculating machine operator junior tabulating machine operator under punch card operator and cotton examiner THE ALTAR SOCIETY of Our Lady of Lourdes will meet a at the home of the president Mrs George Murphy 1177 Herbert avenue at p. p m. m Friday to discuss plans for Christmas season activities WITH A VIEW to developing advertising advertising advertising ad consciousness among Salt Lake and Utah Industries and business business busi busi- ness establishments a committee e has been jeen appointed b by the Salt Lake Advertising Ad club to study study a number of f proposals Members 01 oi me committee commit commit- tee ec are Dilworth S. S Woolley chairman chairman chair chair- man C. C F. F and Harold S. S Jennings Jen Jon PAINTINGS of 21 Utah artists will willbe willbe b be exhibited at the Art Barn for a month beginning Friday according to o Mrs W. W W. W Ray a member of the board of directors Mrs Alice Merill MerriU Mer- Mer rill riU ill Home Horne will discuss the collection Friday at p. p m. m at a meeting sponsored spon spon- b by the organizations organization's activity committee NAVY RECRUITS from the Salt Lake district ranked first in the number num nurn- ber of men to be retained for lor service after enlistment according to fiscal year report of the navy just received by jy Lieutenant Commander R. R L L. Porter Porter Por- Por ter er Jr in charge of the Salt Lake district dis dis- dis Only two of the men recruited recruited re re- In the district were rejected he ic said WOMEN'S WOl CLUB Federation of Utah has chosen Mrs Weston Vernon of Logan president as Utah's delegate to o the January board meeting of 01 the general federation in Washington She also was named representative to the state advisory committee on public I welfare and emergency relief reUeL I |