Show C W bY A CHIEFS CHIEF'S OUSTER URGED IN WAGE ROW Building Trades Council Seeks Aid of Labor Secretary Secretary Secretary Secre Secre- tary in Dispute LETTER SENT WASHINGTON Director Blocks Progress in inState inState inState State Noller Thinks Aid o of the secretary of ot labor and resignation on of Robert H. H Hinckley state tate civil works director tor were sought Thursday as labor continued its ts fight to boost C. C W. W A. A wages in Utah Declaring verbally that Mr Hinckey Hinckley Hinck- Hinck Icy ley ey should resign if he to increase in in- crease rease wages on C. C W W. A. A projects F. F A. A A Noller secretary of the Salt Lake Building Trades council Thursday Thurs Thurs- da day loy wrote to Secretary of oC Labor Frances Trances Perkins asking her support in n the fight for tor higher wages If U Mr Hinckley is unable to fall all fallIn falln allin in n line with the thc government policy of increasing wages and purchasing power by raising pay on Utah C C. W. W A. A V. V projects as ordered by the state industrial commission he should step out of the picture and resign Noller said I feel he Is blocking the wheels of progress and the return to higher wages and normal purchasing power Wage Wace Scale In his letter to Secretary Perkins Noller a copy of the the- wage scale cale recently ordered by the Industrial Indus Indus- trial rial commission and end explained that C. C W. W A. A officials had refused to adopt it We feel teel sure you will see the justice justice jus- jus tice ice of our complaint that local C. C W. W A. A officials are taking the wrong stand land regarding the state wage scale the he letter said It is js our hope that you JOU ou will endeavor to have our fed fed- ero ml eral C. C W. W A. A authorities specifically order the Ut Utah h administrators to recognize recognize rec rec- ret ret- our state industrial commissions commissions commission's commis commis- sion's Ions ruling as the recognized prevailing pre pre- ailing wage which must be paid Noller also h has enlisted the aid lid of the he National Brotherhood of ot Carpenters Carpen Carpen- ers and Joiners of America in the tight fight for higher wages Gives Gins Aid to tonce Wage nce Fight He received a telegram from Wilham Wlliam Wll- Wll ham Ham iam L. L Hutcheson president of Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis In In- Thursday toying saying the Washington Wash Wash- ington representative of the organization organize organize- tion ion had been ordered to use his in in- influence fluence luence for tor higher wages in Utah Further action will be planned at a meeting of the building trades council at t the Labor temple Thursday night Noller taller said This fight is only beginning he declared Despite controversy which raged over the wage scale In the last week i the he state C. C W. W A. A committee failed to o mention or discuss it at a meeting at the capitol Wednesday afternoon Only routine matters were discussed discussed discussed dis dis- dis- dis cussed a member of the committee said aid We still are ore firm in our belief that hat wages should be kept at the present present pres pros ent s scale ale which is in effect throughout through through- out most of the thc country so ro that a greater number of men can be he given employment |