Show COUNTY RELIEF WILL CONTINUE Weber Agrees to Carry on Direct Aid Until Poor I Fund Disappears i OGDEN OGDEN OGDEN-At At a meeting Wednesday between the Weber county commission commis- commis sion and the Ogden county C W T A community relief committee It was decided the full load of eXtending extending ex cx tending relief to needy families within with with- in the county will be placed upon the county commission until such time as the poor ioor fund Is exhausted This Is in compliance with a C W A Arule Arule Arule rule that no funds will be available from rom the C CV W V A relief central group until the county has proven it has no further means of ol caring for its needy A recent report prepared by the county count showed a balance in inthe inthe inthe the poor fund P. P H. H Mulcahy C W A committee chairman assured the count county commission com corn mission his group will cushion the relief load whenever necessary It was revealed at the meeting which was attended by the full county county coun coun- ty commission Mr Mulcahy E. E J J. Fjeldsted D. D S S. S Romney chairman ol of C W V A subcommittees and several others interested in the C W A and relief movement that some complaints com corn plaints have reached the committee concerning asserted luck lock of investigation investigation investigation gation into the needs of some men being placed on C W A jobs It is said that in some cases particularly among teamsters the degree of need has not always justified their employment em em- Therefore whenever this Is found true such men will be replaced replaced replaced re re- re- re placed by others actually in need |