Show I l Deaths I MARGARET C. C ANDERSON Word was ns received In Salt aaa Lake Thursday Thur Thurs Thura- day of ot the death of Mrs Mrs Margaret Maure C. C Anderson Anderson An An- derson 89 Sg widow of ot Charles Charles H. H Anderson and ond former resident of Salt Snit Lake She She died at the home of her ber niece Mrs Mr Irving A. A Braces Bearce Dearl in B. B C. C Mrs Mr Anderson Anderon was born In Latrobe Pa October 21 21 1845 and when Mn a n Irl moved to o Fort Madison Iowa She came to Salt Sail Sal LIke Lake ake In the summer ot of 1882 1682 and herl here until two years yer ago age when she ahe moved to o British Columbia During Durins Brits her residence In Salt Sal Lake Lle Mrs Mn Anderson Anderon was WIS tin sri active member or of St. St ft Marks Mark's cathe cathedral rl ral of ot the the Episcopal 1 church For many years she he was A a the he orphans orphans' home and aDd day nursery In Salt GnU Lake take and also w was wa active In the old St. St Marks Mark's Maka school schol In Ire I 1893 she was wa marled mar mu- ned led to Mr Anderson Anderon who was wa connected with wih the Denver Demer and aDd Rio Grande Grands Western railroad auditing department The couple made their home on EASt Bait First Firt South street streetor or many years and nd the death of Mr Anderson Mrs Mn Anderson Andeson lived In tho the 1200 bl block lock on East Broadway o She is survived by five e nieces Funeral services and nd burial took tk place in 1 British Columbia Monday ARTHUR J JOHN HOLT Arthur u John Roll Holt 61 67 n. n it t farmer died diedt at atA t his t home o hl in South oD Jordan Jordin rd Thursday gd li at 30 p. p m m. m of a heart Attack Mr Holt was wu born In South Jordan Jordon De- De D- D cember ember 10 1865 1868 a I son of ot Ann Harrison Hunson Holt foil Hol and Ld had there I y all cli Isle his life f hl Je al 1 Surviving are his hI widow Mrs Mr Catherine Catheine Raymond Holt Bolt Beckstead Holt Bolt seven senn sons aol HoJ ot of f Evanston Wyo Terry Perry Matthew Henry Henn Gold Golden n and LeRoy Holt Hoit of ot South Jordan and nd William R. R Holt Hol of ot of Magna Muna two tw daugh- daugh lets let's ter ers Mrs Mr Ruby Rubi Richardson and Mrs r. r Marie aimer of ot South Jordan three brothers E. E H. H T. T Holt of Provo Povo William Wilam M. M and Samuel E. E Holt of South Jordan one one sister Mrs Ross Rosa Howard of or Riverton 35 then dren ren and four tour geat great Funeral services Ices will be conducted Sunday Sunday Sun- Sun wl day ay at 13 12 noon in 10 the South Jordan Jordn L. L D. D S. S ward 11 chapel Friends may call at a the theold Gold old room of the Deseret mortuary 36 38 rom Et East st Seventh South street Saturday until 2 p. p m. m and at the home in South Jordan SaturdAY e evening and Sunday Sunda prior to s. s Burial will i take place in the South Jordan cemetery JOSEPH L. L JONES Joseph LaSall Jones 20 died At nt his hI home 06 Washington street T Thursday nt at It a. a ant ft m m. m He lie le had been An invalid since an acm acm- in- in He was wu born bor In Pa Payson on June 22 1913 1913 a 8 aSon aon Son SOD on of Edward and Isbell Isbel Jones The he family moved to t Salt Snit Lake 18 18 years cars r to go Surviving are his hI mother his supt step ther Frank K mother four tour brothers brother Frank Frnk George eorge Bert and Harold Jones Jones and three sisters Mrs Mr Dora Dra Hatch Hath Mrs Mr Millie muc Pace an nd Mrs George Rice all of f Salt Lake Funeral services c will be conducted Ij Saturday Sat Sat- Sn- Sn urdu at P. P m. m in the R Rose o room of the he mortuary 36 6 East Est Seventh South street Burial Bunal will wl take place inthe In Inho Inthe the ho City cemetery NIELS ANDERSEN SANDY SANDY Niels Andersen 46 46 di d at his hi SANDY SANDY-Niel a home here herc Wednesday at midnight of acute acte lobar obar pneumonia Mr Andersen Anders n was born February r 10 IJ 1857 In InA Denmark kw but t had rJ J lived In Sandy Sand 15 Surviving years rin are his hi widow Mrs Mr Mary Man far And And- ld- ld ersen two sons Ions Clayburn N. N Andersen Anderen of f Murray Murrl and Ind Leon Lon Andersen Anderen of Sandy Sand A daughter r. r Mrs Mr Ella Ela C. C of ot Murray two wo brothers brother and two sisters Anders and ond andle Ole le Andersen and Mrs Anna Ann ot of f C Copenhagen Denmark and Mrs MU Al- Al Petersen ot of Chicago JOHN ALl ALMA OV OVARD ARD AMERICAN FORK Funeral FORK Funeral services cervices for forJohn John olm Alma Ovard 72 who ho o died at the ramy ram lam ld fl y lh home ah hero Tuesday d will be conducted conduct conduct- T ed d in the American Fork L L. D S. S chapel chape Friday at 2 p. p m. m may call cl At lt the thc family residence after 10 a. a 1 m. m Friday Fiday aler Mr Ovard was wu born here 1861 ft son of ot Thomas and Hannah Stowe Stove Ovard Ovard He attended the thc early schools hols of this city le and nd In irs 1883 married Elizabeth Clarke They made 18 their home here and Mr Mr TeY Ovard ther In farming and stok lve-stok livestock raisins are his widow and three sons Lindsay Ovard American r Fork R Ray eR Ovard vord Lg Lehl Lehi Clyde Ovard Salt Lake a a arother brother rother William Ovard rd O of ot Hennefer 14 1 cran grandchildren and nd two ie great ALEX BEVERIDGE LEHI LEfT Funeral Funeral services for Alex Bever Bever- Beveridge LEnT idge d e 42 42 a resident of Pleasant Grove for tor forthe the Ide IB last lot lour four for years yens but who ho formerly lived mcd In n Lehi will be conducted d Friday at nt 2 P. P m. m In Lh the Lehl Lehi wl Fifth L. L D. D S. S ward word chapel I 1 Mr Beveridge e died In A Salt Sal Lake boa hos- Ital Wednesday after a long Ions Illness of ot stomach trouble He had been In the hos- hos three months l Born r in February S 5 1 1891 a son ot of John Oh I and Lenora c Beveridge he be spent his boyhood d days here On n July 3 1917 he tan Walker Waler and nd before moving to Pleasant Grove he lived ved In Lehl Salt BaJt Lake and Surviving are arc his widow six sons and daughters Merrill hl Ellen Beth LaMar LaMa Berice Bernice Hernice Ber- Ber nice ice and Gerald Beveridge all al of Pleasant Pleasnt Pleas Pleas- Plea ant nt Grove Crave a sister Mrs Mr Mary Mr Ann Butts end and nd four SOur brothers brothers t R Robert ert George WU- WU U. am and J. J N. N Beveridge se all 11 ot of Lehl Lehi HANNAH BLOOR DEAN DRAPER DRAPER Mrs Hannah Bloor Bor Dean 76 6 wile wife of William Dean of ot Draper died Thursday wie at 1215 p. p in m. m at ot the home of ofer her er daughter Mrs Mn A. A H. H Dewey Dewe of Draper Mrs Mr Dean Denn was born bom bor In tn Dale Dale Abbey Abby Derbyshire England March MAch 14 14 1 18 1857 7 B s Baughter daughter aughter of ot Joseph Egand and Prudence Winifred loor Bloor She joined the L L. D D. S. S church 36 years cars ago and aDd emigrated with her husne hus- hus aO family to Utah May 2 2 1910 For band and end ne years e ll they 8 lived ta tao In Woodruff o and later moved to Draper Surviving are arc hC her husband and eight sons cons and nd daughters VJ tf John o bt Dean Derby t En- En land And Mrs Mr Mary Mar Dewey Dewcy and William H. H Dean 1 can Draper Mrs Mr Nellie Nele Quibell Ger Ocr man nD Herbert and A. A David Dean Dea Salt Sal Lake Ake Mrs Mr Amy Clover Robert H. H I. I Dean California Charles Dean an Wood Wood- Wod- Wod 1 Dan tuft ruf Albert Dean Denn Crescent and nd Mrs tr Mararet Marcaret Mar Mar- Mor caret aret Moss os Rockland Idaho Forty grandchildren grand grand- children also o survive i JENNIE BROWN I Word OGDEN OGDEN Word was received hore Thursay Thursday Thurs- Thurs day da ay of ot tho the death In n Idaho Wednesday Wednes- Wednes day ay night of Mrs fr Jennie Brown 56 I. I wife Ue of f Charles Chales Brown formerly of Ogden Orde and Clinton She had been ill 1 three months Mrs Brown was n Glasgow Scotland Scot Scot- In land and on J July 13 1877 1 a d daughter of Charles harles b W E. E E Js and Margaret Somerville She Che came amo to Ogden Oden In Following her marla mar- mar la ge t she lived in 88 Clinton several years rears Surviving U are h her husband U a and seven sons and nd daughters Ji fe Mrs Walter ar Putnam J c Char Clar- nce ence Robert Alva Alu and Thelms Brn Welser Weiser Idaho Mrs Ms W. W Balton Halon Salmon CI City Idaho Idabo Mrs Mn Mabel Baltimore Portland Port Port- land and Ore six grandchildren three broth- broth mrs rs and n a sister William R Robert t and LaU LaU- Vl t rence c and Mrs Margaret Baker Ogden BW Funeral r arrangements tire are In charge thAre of ot the he Larkin Sons Sis mortuary I JAMES PENMAN WEST WEBER Funeral WEllER-Funeral Funeral services for James WT Penman 85 5 who died a at his hil home here hee Wednesday will be conducted BundaY Sunday wU at 1 p. p m. m In the West Weber L L. D D. D S. S chapeL hapeL Interment 1 will be in West Wet Weber wI ward cemetery under the direction of ot the neUr ee Sons Eon Son mortuary Tie The To family requests that th no o flowers be sent cent z J. J ANDREW CLARK CLARE CLAR OGDEN OGDEN Funeral OGDEN Funeral services for J J. J Andrew Adew Clark Cark 59 who dropped doppe dead drad dad ot of a heart attack atuck Wednesday In his h room rom o at a a. local ll hotel lote will be c conducted Sunday at 1 I P. P m. m rt In n the North r Ogden tet L. L D. D S. S J chapel i ll Interment In- In will wm bo be b in North Oden Osden Ode cf city cem corn Sons Sou Iten mortuary y under the direction ton of 01 lisa tho the Larkin t s |