Show f Georgians to March Through v Yale Declares Herr Professor U i S. S to r Stale Will rate Operate on Johns Hopkins North North- c Will Sh Shade d Illinois western 1 n 1 it V e. e l S. S jt By McLEMORE S SS S b United Press Sports Writer S t. t A r NEW EW YORK Nov A 10 A sad duty is a sad duty but it Is bust Ismy-bust- bus S l' l ness to report to the farmers cattle of the nation and the people who Manufacture footballs souvenir watch fobs uppers shoe memorial editions edi edl- of oC Shakespeare and overnight bags that the bottom is about to toI I drop out of of th the fancy n Y le leather ther market ct The rhe situation in leather is 15 I distressing stage because became local m men inca n their wallets C are throwing away t. t They haven't had any money to keep lri athIr their wallets since 1929 Since then I they have ended depended on cards i lI something in their purses mostly I cards showing the he names end and addresses addresses ad ad- I dresses of f speakeasies It seems every man in New York carried anywhere S from 10 to 55 cards admitting him to him to toj j j j joints in all In all five boroughs S and New j Jersey 5 Utah Figures In l. l t. Today ay they are areS as useless useless as an anS t. t S S 18 aspirin to a man marching to the gull gull- I When Utah and tho those thore oth other r states t tes' tes knocked out prohibition the 1 c cards directing folks to a drink had hadI I no worth So a tremendous number ot of New Yorkers devoid of or money I devoid of cards cords flung th their ir wal val i 5 lets Into the th street J A This depresses by 2012 the leather r 1 l' l S f i to to- get geton on another subject the theS t S herr pro professor Is sitting right here at my elbow waiting walling to give off oft his I f football winners for tomorrow The I herr crr professor Insists ts for the first firstS S life that i 1 U. U S. S C. C will beat Stanford Nor Northwestern Ul shade Illinois S. S I f i i Purdue will m take Notre Dame S.- S. will Georgia will march through Yale S. S 4 J J G ech Will take Florida Ml wallop Iowa r tv Wisconsin will handle West VIr- VIr 0 S. S S- S i Michigan State will beat Carnegie Carnele Tech r f Chicago wilt will Indiana 1 i Denver Den looks too good for Hawaii California will kick Washington S v. v J Washington St Stale le will bake Idaho v Oregon will shade Oregon n State Gaels Gaeb Favored 5 St. St Mary's Marys will slaughter College e t. t f. f of Pacific T S V r Texas Christian will beat Texas f- f 1 Navy v Navy Will sink I f 1 ii Army blow W blo Harvard rd to bits l 1 L. L S. S 5 5 5 J i I S SI S 55 S hi S Ohio State will kick Pennsylvania Alabama will barn bam V. V P. P L Auburn Auburn will take tak Oglethorpe Kentucky Is too good lor br V. V M. M t L L. Duke will kick Maryland is better than Mississippi Tulane looks too strong for sippi State Vanderbilt will handle Sewanee L Loyola will San Fra Francisco cIsco Southern Methodist to beat Texas Texa A A. and M. M How Pittsburgh will trim Duquesne Princeton will whip Dartmouth Dartmouth Brown looks a Q bit too good for Syra Syra- cuse cu Penn State will operate on Johns John Hopkins BrIgham Young will beat Colorado college Co Colgate g t will beat Ohio Northern |