Show INDIANA INDIAN Three things in this part of the country im- im impress im impress press anyone fresh from Washington One is that despite whatever grou grousing grouping ng there may be against the new edal F. F D. D R. R himself has lost none of ot his p personal popularity You cant can't criticise criticise cise the president even in the recalcitrant midwest mid mid- west west and and get away with it Second is the fact that the grousing is not as bad as the reverberations reverberations reverberations rever rever- heard in the national capital make it appear Third is the fact that compared with one year ear ago the midwest looks rejuvenated It is true tru that the blue eagle is about as popular r with wit the farmers as a a. blue r rattlesnake It is true that in the smaller towns N NR R A codes actually ha have e worked hardships It is true that Republicans for the first time have raised their heads from the slough of discouragement and have let a hopeful gleam enter their eyes Butto But Butto Butto to this this this' Rounder Merry-Go-Rounder who traveled through the same region just a year ago the transformation can be seen without either microscope microscope mi ml- or imagination Here is how things look in three completely different cities |