Show JUST JUS T FOLKS F 0 tI S J lL I L 2 GOLFERS' GOLFERS CHANGE OF HEART Where are the wasteful boys who cried In all aU the arrogance arrogance and pride Of easy money days u A fifty dollar stake today Wheres Where's he who wagered dollars five When playing golf on every drive And looked with scorn upon us all aU Who wished to keep our w wagers gers small One spoken gentle-spoken man I know To such a challenge an answered No UNo I play for pleasure not for gain So modest let the stake remain Still if with you but money counts Lets Let's see how high your courage mounts Ill I'll double any sum you ou name Upon the outcome of the game Those were th the foolish days of flash Before the market went to smash The days of bluster and of bluff Of sham and boast and shadowy stuff Loud voice vulgarity's display When money over men held sway I IOne One golf club y no as bleak as Mars For prizes once g gave v motor cars Where are those boys All AU all an returned To sanity their less lesson n learned Stripped of all sham and boastful pride They look at life m much ch clearer Today in these se severer er times Their golfing stakes are nickels dimes A kindlier friendlier game they play And Md d Iha hearted happier mow are they |