Show CINCINNATI This city of of good good music good music and a a. solid German Gernian citizenry y never felt the depression depression depression depres depres- sion as muchas' muchas much as' as as ass as's s some m-e m of f its neighbors and is rocking along on an ev even n keel now nov When the country was as prosperity mad s staid lid od Cincinnati plugged along about the same as usual And when the crash came Cincinnati not being up up so high did not have so far farto to falL To c celebrate its solidity Cincinnati has recently re recently recently re- re opened a anew new union railroad terminal one of the finest in the world and built without without without with with- out benefit of public works In a few years this will b be a unique distinction 0 e. e The first time General Johnson drove up to the Commerce building in his new Cadillac Cadillac- with which he replaced the Lincoln he had been using using using-he he found two Ford cars occupying his private parking place The recovery administrator adminis adminis- waxed wroth ordered the guard on duty to have the trespassers removed CopyrIght 1933 br by United Feature Syndicate Inc |