Show Irate Fans Mob ob Chief For Ruining Hat ST. ST LOUIS Nov 10 UP UP- UP The dizzy hat eating Oklahoma wrestler r r Chief probably ably will vill think twice before attempting to another another an an- other fans fan's fedora The chief chic took a severe pummeling at the hands o of guards and fans last night r Grabbing a felt hat from a aman aman aman man after being thrown from the ring by Orville Brown of Kansas vainly YI chewed and b becoming oming disgusted stripped the band from the hat which he carried back to the ring and attempted to strangle Brown with it On his next flying nying trip through the ropes the chief was war set sel upon by fans who blacked one eye and cut h his 5 face in sev several several eral places f The enra enraged ed Indian In- In dma dlan turned upon guards who were trying to rescue him from the mob and took another beating from them before he could be quieted I Brown won the match malch with a abu bu bucking k ng scissors |