Show Boulder Coach In Optimistic ic Frame of Mind Colorados Colorado's cohorts went through an hour DOur of ot light drill in the Utah sta sta- Hum Friday afternoon as a final t tapering off for tor the big game S Satur tur day ay Coach Navy Bill BiU Saunders pronounced pro his boys to be in tine fine fettle for forthe t the e big test Sa Saunders Is by no no means gloomy over over Saturdays Saturday's game rame figure we we have Juve an outside chance e. e b said sald upon his arrival I. I here All but four of our starters Saturday saw action against Utah h last year Players facing the he champions for tor forthe forthe the first time tinie are ue Delbert Hitch Hitch- ar art at guard Dave Murphy 1 at it guard luard Dutch at end and Eddie Eddle Wagner WalDer at fallback fullback Approximately Boulder stu itu students dents will be on hand for the homecoming homecoming home home- coming game Fifty-eight Fifty tiled the team while several others were pouring into town via automo biles A motorcade of ot 25 cars was expected to arrive Friday afternoon and reservations for another train party of o had been made to arrive arrhe shortly before game time The Boulders will sta stage e a pep ral rally in the Newhouse hotel Friday evening |