Show LIQUOR IMPORT BAN WILL WILLOE BE MODIFIED Government Takes Steps to Prevent Shortage WASHINGTON Nov 10 Fears lo-Fears Fears of ot ofa a n liquor shortage after repeal of pro pro- December 5 were allayed in part today by the first official indication indi cation of ot government policy on imports im Ira- ports and manufacture Attorney General Cummings said the government was Vas prepared to lift litt its embargo immediately to permit importation of perhaps gal gal- Ions of medicinal liquor monthly He announced licenses to distillers would be bc granted liberally but not until repeal repeat is an accomplished fact Existing distilleries are are- permitted Capacity capacity ca Ca- production Chairman Harrison of or the senate finance committee said liquor tax legislation must reconcile the desire for for- large revenues with the danger of f making the cost of liquor so high that bootlegging will continue Cummings Cum Cum- said hard liquors would be discriminated against in favor avor of wines and beers in in arriving at the figures for tor imports |