Show HAVANA UNDER MARTIAL LAW Government Seeks to Prevent Recurrence of Revolt That Killed Br Dy Unite Press Pren HAVANA Nov President 10 President 10 President Grau Grim GrauSan GrauSan San Martin today issued a military order declaring all Havana in a state of siege and advising all inhabitants to remain out of ot sight In the tension following the crushing crushing crush crush- in ing of yesterdays yesterday's short-lived short rebellion rebellion rebel rebel- lion the government took drastic steps to check the fomenting o of new revolt Citizens were forbidden to form in groups or walk in in the streets after 7 p. p m m. tAll All firearms were to be turned over to w the authorities at once one Business at Standstill The banks and a few stores opened fitfully today but there was little business Estimates of dead in yesterdays yesterday's battle reached this morning with the discovery of 60 bodies under the debris of ot the fortress buried beneath collapsing stone and mortar Wounded will run into the hun hundreds The morgue and hospitals were crowded wi with Hi weeping hysterical women and men scanning the death lists and seeking ecking to Identity identify the dead Soldiers Replace Police The police were replaced by members memo mem bers of the thc army of oC law and justice dressed in hi khaki slacks and blue I shirts and armed with rifles rUles of an anold anold anold old pattern This force directed fic tic Many of the volunteers were negroes Patrols of soldiers sped around the city in open automobiles with rifles cocked now and then taking pot shots at snipers on rooftops WASHINGTON Nov 10 UP UP- UP The training ship Wyoming with a battalion of Seventh regiment marines marines marines ma ma- rines aboard sailed today from Tampa Tampa Tampa Tam Tam- pa Fla Fia for lor Havana Cuba to reinforce reinforce reinforce re re- re- re the United States naval squadron squad squad- ron already there the navy department depart departS ment announced today todar |