Show THIRD DEGREE DENIAL ORA DRAWS WS MOORE BACKING i I I Governor of New Jersey Defends Defends Defends De De- DeI De- I fends Actions of Police in Lindy Case CaseBy en CRT By Associated Tress Press ALPINE N. N J. J June Junc 14 14 State State police po po- l lice ice ce denials that any third degree methods were used on Violet Sharpe have found round support from Governor A. A Harr Harry Moore He said yesterday police were inno inno in inno no way deserving censure in the thc death of the English servant who drank poison at the home of or Mrs Dwight W. W Morrow as detectives arrived arrived ar ar- ar rived to ask her again about her movements th the night Charles A A. Lind Land berh Jr was His statement came after Emerson L L. Richards Republican leader in the state stale senate accused the police of blunders Ernest Brinkert former White Plains taxi man remained remained-at at the police police police po po- po- po lice barracks here a voluntary witness witness wit wit- ness while police continued to check his story The servant girls girl's identification identification I of a picture of him as the theman theman i iman man with whom she went riding the I night of the was shown to tobe to I be wrong when Ernest Miller l of oi Closer Clos Clos' Closter ter Iter er established that he hc and not Brinkert Brinkert Brin Brin- kert was her companion Mrs Morrow who believed belie from the first the girls girl's Innocence will leave tonight with her daughter Constance and her son Dwight for Europe Colonel Colonel Colonel Col Col- onel and Mrs Lindbergh will remain rem behind Plans for Miss Sharpes Sharpe's burial are arc still indefinite LONDON June June 14 JP P The P The British Brit Brit- British ish consul general at New York has been instructed to submit to the foreign foreign for for- eign secretary a report on the death of ot Violet Sharpe En English servant girl sirl who committed suicide last week at atthe atthe the thc Morrow home In Englewood N. N J J. The girls girl's death and subsequent developments developments de de- de which indicated that she was not involved in the of the Lindbergh baby created in this country sharp criticism of the New Jersey police who were charged with terrifying her by their questioning Maid Married Death Discloses ENGLEWOOD N. N J. J J. J June 14 lP- lP P The death certificate of Violet Sharpe the maid in the Dwight W. W Morrow l home who committed suicide was filed today statin stating that she was married marrIed married mar mar- ried name of husband unknown The filing ming of the certificate was the thc first intimation that the young woman woman wo wo- man who took her life when police called to continue their examination of her In connection with the Lindbergh Lindbergh Lindbergh Lind Lind- bergh baby kidnap case was married I |