Show HOSPITAL CARE DESPITE LOWER FUNDS IS THEME Association Head Points to Charity Work of Private Private Private vate Institution How hospitals hospi ls can care for the sick and maintain standards in m the face of ot dwindling revenues is the theme o othe of the three-day three convention of the Western Western West West- ern em Hospital association a which opened in the Hotel Utah Tuesday Several hundred medical men from 11 western states as well as of national hospital organizations organ organ- arc are expected to attend Private hospitals striving to care for patients who are arc not looking for charity but nevertheless cannot pay their bills are arc finding inding the thc way doubly doubly doubly dou dou- bly hard because the average bed occupancy oc oe- oe throughout the country is less than 58 per cent ns as against normal normal normal nor nor- mal bed occupancy of ol 70 to 90 DO per percent percent percent cent Dr Benjamin W. W Black of ot Oakland Oakland Oak Oak- land Cal president of the association association association tion pointed out One private hospital in Salt Lake did of or charity work last year he said hUGE INVEST INVESTMENT IE T Hospitals represent nt Americas America's third largest industry from the standpoint af ot a investment and operating costs ac according according ac- ac cording to Dr Black Last year DOO hospital l cared for 12 patients It is obvious that the doors of at private vate t ate hospitals must be kept open The question is how he said pointing out sut that hospital costs can be reduced but iut little without seriously handicapping handi- handi rapping capping efficiency of ot operation Criticism that hospital charges are excessive e were laid by Dr Black to misunderstanding as to the amount of ot service the modern hospital ren ren- ders lers Case by case hospital charges are less in the long run now than formerly formerly for for- merly because of the decreased d stay in in the hospital the virtual abolish abolish- Tient nent of infection and the cut in the mortality rate he explained Public meetings hospital visiting lays days and publicity will eradicate much of ot this misunderstanding according according ac ac- ac- ac cording to Dr Black HOLD BUSINESS MEETING 1 Tuesday afternoon was devoted to toa a 3 a business session at which committee commit commit- tee Lee reports were presented Registration Registration Registration Regis Regis- and attendance at the tabernacle taber taber- nacle organ recital formed the morning morn morn- Lag ing program The only public meeting of ot the convention convention convention con con- will be held at p p. m. m Tuesday Tues Tues- day In the assembly hall hail on the tabernacle tab- tab grounds Mayor Louis Marcus and Secretary Df or f State Stale Milton MiHon H. H Welling w will 11 give addresses of welcome to which G G. W. W Olson past president o of the association asso- asso w will 11 respond President Heber J J. J Grant of the L L. D. D S. S church will discuss The Mormons Mormons Mor Mar mons in Utah and Adam S. S Bennion personnel director for the Utah Power Pow- Pow er r and Light company will speak on What the Public Pubic Owes to the Hospital Hospital Hos Hos- pital ital Discussion sessions will be held Wednesday morning and afternoon followed by a banquet at the hotel Wednesday at 7 7 30 30 p. p m. m The contention convention con con- will close with sessions from 30 a. a m. m till p p. m. m Thursday S s |