Show Trails Monument Dedication Planned Preliminary plans for the dedication dedica- dedica lon tion of a monument to mark the spot where the north and south trails be- be veen tween Utah and Montana and the theLander theLander I be-I Lander Bander trail from Wyoming met in Idaho Falls at the first bridge over the he Snake river were being beine considered considered consid consid- ered by officials of ot the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association Monday Funds for a l tablet lor for the marker were vere raised by the association last year ear through the sale of or Oregon trail memorial coins according to John D D. Giles secretary August 25 and 26 20 have been tentatively tentatively tenta- tenta set as dates for lor the dedication ceremonies by the Teton valley council council coun coun- cil of Boy Scouts which is sponsoring sponsoring sponsor sponsor- ing ine the movement The governors of ot Utah Idaho Montana and W Wyoming Wyoming Wyo Wyo- ming will be asked to take part o I inthe in inthe the he ceremonies |