Show Richest Gold Mi Mine Claimed for Tin Tintic tic I The Te title HUe of worlds highest grade gold mine is bestowed on the Eureka Standard at by the camp newspaper newspaper news news- paper the Eureka Reporter In establishing es cs- cs its is point the says The property Is a subsidiary of the Tintic Standard Mining company compan and located in ill the eastern easter end of this district dis dis- dis Figures ures FJ show that ore shipped in Sn 1931 1931 era a averaged cd 13 ounces to the ton from a total of t tons ns which contained con can tamed ounces gold sold In 1930 28 28 tons were marketed which contained con conS tamed ounces gold Recently the property has been beeR shipping a very high grade product and although figures fig rig rig- ures have not been given out it is J understood to carry several ounces gold to the ton In fact it i has been so rich rih that only specially picked miners have been permitted to mine the product The Eureka Standard is one of the most modern mines in the country today and no small smal sum has been spent in making it such The gallows frame and all al equipment n near ar the shaft is I constructed of steel and modem modern mod mod- em ern er devices devies such as automatic dump cages etc arc are being used I The mine has had considerable trouble in Sri working at depth due to the fact that a large Jarge flow fow of water has been encountered which necessitates an enormous enormous amount mount of ot pumping equipment to take care of it it Another Another An An- other bad feature which has handicapped handicapped handi handi- capped the work vork is that the water In Inthe Inthe Inthe the Eureka Standard is i extremely hot and especially constructed pumps arc necessary to handle it IL i. i The pumping equipment in this property has been changed three different times in order to properly take care of ot conditions as they arise but now it I is h quite Quie certain certain cere tain tin tin- that everything is so arranged that work can continue without interruption in interruption in- in i- i for a long time 10 come The ore In the Eureka Standard In Inmost Inmost inmost most instances occurs in irs the quartzite a formation wh which h previous to 10 the finding of ot this mine has proved to be barren barreR in this district I National Steel Stee Car corporation Ltd Ld di directors directors di- di rectors r placed d the common stock stack on dl an annual dividend basis bais of ot 80 cents b by de declaring de- de daring claring n a 1 quarterly payment of 20 cents cent a ashare ashare 1 share payable Jul July 2 to stock Itol ot of record June 23 3 The company compan previously paid U 2 2 a share ahal I |