Show Produce Market LOCAL PRODUCE Quotations by Nelson Ricks Creamery Co BUTTER Extras cartooned lb 20 Prime firsts cartooned c Ib lb 19 19 Parchment wrapped Vic lc less EGGS Fancy poultry farm doz 16 Selected white doz 15 Mediums poultry farm doz 15 CHEESE Full cream triplets Ib 12 Full cream longhorns Ib 13 Full cream sandwich loaf Ib 13 Jack cheese six pounds each Ib lb 17 Block Swiss pound 25 each Ib 26 pound 1 bricks Ib 23 Cream brick pound 5 bricks Ib lb 13 18 Roquefort five pounds each Ib lb 63 63 Full cream daisies Wisconsin cured pound 21 1 KANSAS CITY Cm June H 14 Eggs AP Eegs 3 Poultry Poultry Broilers Broilers Other produce unchanged CHICAGO June 14 AP AP Live poultry poultry- Receipts 1 car 48 trucks steady fowls 1 12 broilers Leghorn broilers roosters Ic turkeys spring ducks old sprIng geese lie old Sc Butter Receipts Butter Receipts steady prices price unchanged Receipts Eggs Receipts steady prices un tin- changed Potatoes Receipts Potatoes Receipts 70 ears cars on track 20 new 50 old total U. U S 5 shipments ol old stock firm others dull supplies moderate trading slow Wisconsin Round Whites 70 Michigan Russet Idaho Russets new steady supplies moderate trading good Southern Bliss Triumphs 1 SO 50 falto faIr fal to ordinary SI 1 North Carolina bar bar- Irish Cobblers mostly futures Future unquoted NEW YORK June 14 API AP Butter Re easier creamery higher than extras extra 92 score first firs 87 to 91 seconds 13 i Cheese Receipts steady un tin changed chanced Receipts Eggs Receipts steady mixed cal col ors white eggs nearby and midwestern weights and lower grades nearby and midwestern mediums 15 C 17 C. C Dressed poultry Steady poultry Steady turkeys frozen 1245 Live poultry Steady poultry Steady Steady- no express quota quota- lions Ions broilers freight 12 fowls freight roosters freight lOc turkeys Our tur keys freight lOS ducks freight 83 S EGGS NEW YORK June 14 USDA Eggs Steady likely unchanged 1 I sale cases standards standard 16 1 sale 1 I car standards 15 5 sales cases receipts 14 Vj standards 16 bid 15 receipts 1434 bid Dirties 13 bid 2 Receipts Receipts Eggs Pacific coast specials select standards select mediums Note The Note Tho above market covers Utah milk white extras as Pacific coast white specials Utah milk white selects as Pacific coast white standards and Utah milk white mountaineers moun- moun as Pacific coast white mediums |