Show Called I On to Present t Economy Plans i I Senate Asks President t to tc J Recommend Definite Methods Methods Methods Meth Meth- for Saving RESOLUTION IS ADOPTED Smoot Statement Furlough Approved Challenged m Dr Associated Tress WASHINGTON June 14 14 The The senate senate sen ate today called upon President Hoover Hoover Hoo ver to recommend to congress specific governmental economies economies- This action was taken talen after Senator Smoot R R. Utah had announced the senate and house conferees on the I national economy bill had agreed to the Hoover furlough plan and that the measure carries savings of about Without a record vote and after alter only a few moments' moments discussion the senate adopted a resolution by Sena Sena- tor or Robinson of Arkansas the Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic leader requesting President hoover to confer with wilh his cabinet members and report to congress definite den deft nite nite- ways in which federal expenditures expenditures expendi expendi- tures turcs can be reduced MODIFIES RESOLUTION Robinson modified the resolution from Tom the form in which he introduced it yesterday esterday eliminating a paragraph which stated that President Hoover had called for to 00 additional economics economies as necessary to balance the budget Senator Reed 11 R. R Pa yesterday esterday denied Mr Hoover Hoo made such a state state- ment Earlier Senator Smoot said the house douse and senate conferees on the national national na na- na- na lional economy conomy bill have hae agreed to the Hoover furlough plan and that the measure as decided upon carries savings of about The statement b by Smoot was as Immediately Immediately immediately Im Im- im- im mediately challenged by house conferees con Representative McDuffie CD D. D Ala saying there has been no agreement on the furlough plan or any other method of decreasing expense expense ex ex- ex- ex pense for salaries Representative Douglas D D. D Ariz also alo said there had been no agree agree- ment S SMOOT BEARS nEARS NEWS Senator Smoot bore the news to President Hoover at the e White While House and J made de the announcement th public immediately afterward Under the Hoover plan voted by the senate government would be furloughed without pa pay for lor fora lora a month each year or placed on a five-day five week The house had voted instead an I 11 I Iper per cent pay cut with 2500 lons The pay furlough cut issue comprised com corn the heart of the economy billand bill billand billand and with a agreement on it the work worl of oC the conferees was virtually con con- eluded Smoot said the conference report report re re- re port would be laid before beCore the senate senate sen ate and house tomorrow Garner Relief Bill Sidetracked nr ne- Associated rrt Press WASHINGTON June 14 The 14 The 2 relief program offered by I senate Democrats was substituted today today today to to- day for the Garner plan by the senate banking committee The committee agreed to report the Garner bill with the provisions of the he senate bill substituted so that Continued on Pace Page Three 1 S t y SENATE SENA TE ASKS HOOVER PLAN Continued From P. P Page e One both measures can go to conference The action was the first step toward breaking the deadlock between house and senate on relief leg legislation The Garner bill carries for public construction authorizes authorizes authorizes author author- izes the Reconstruction corporation to increase its capitalization by 1 1 for construction loans and I creates an emergency fund of to be administered by the president The Wagner bill biU which was substituted substituted provides for a public public pub pub- lic lie works bond issue to which h President President dent Hoover is opposed and authorizes authorizes authorizes author author- izes an increase of in the borrowing power of the Reconstruction tion corporation for loans for self self- liquidating construction of or a public nature I |